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Richie groans, trying to get comfortable in the back. "We're back...come on rich." The pull Richie out of the car gently as he walks into his house half asleep.

"Let's go get you showered okay?" Richie nods as they walk through the hallway.

—(this is non-sexual. So don't think that way 😂)

"Come on Rich. I don't wanna fight you here." Richie slides his boxers off, stepping into the shower. Eddie stands with him, wearing his signature red shorts.

"Sit down please." Richie sits down as Eddie begins to wash his hair. "Hmmm." Richie mumbles, handing Eddie the showerhead to rinse his hair.

The smaller one begins to smooth the conditioner through the boy's hair. "Maybe if you get some products you could probably control your hair."

"I like when my hair is big." He whispers. His knees up to his chest. The water down his chest.

"Let me have it." He says gently. "Thank you." He washes the conditioner it of his hair. Standing him up gently.

"Don't look. I'm naked." His words slur still. "Richie it's not the first time I've seen you naked." Richie gasps. "That's gay." He chuckles. "I am gay Richie." He mumbles, washing the soap from the boy's body.

—Eddie's POV

"Yup. And I like both...I miss my fiancé. She was nice." He sighs as I turn the water off. "What was she like?" I question.

"She was beautiful. She was great. She helped me a lot. Helped me stop doing weed you know? Man. I love her. I don't know why I said I didn't. I wanna call her."

He takes a breath after saying all that.

"I don't think that's a good idea Rich." "I wanna call her. Please?" Tears form in his eyes as he sits down. "Here." I hand him his phone.

R: hey...

Jane: Richie? Are you drunk?

R: yeah...

Jane: what do you want?

R: you...

Jane: I don't understand

R: I want you back Jane...I'm sorry

J: don't cry rich.

R: I made a mistake...I do love you. A lot. I just want you back. Please?

J: I don't know rich

R: I don't feel very good...I'll talk to you later...

J: okay...

"Eds. It didn't work..." his small sniffles make me frown. "It'll be okay. I promise." I glance down at his phone. She listens closely. I hang the phone up quickly.

—Five minutes later

Five minutes pass by as he sits in silence.

He grabs the trash can quickly. "Fuck..." he sobs silently before laying back down. I wipe his mouth off. Laying a wet rag on his forehead. "Hopefully that will help." I whisper.

"Jane? She can't see me like this Eds." He squints as the tears fall quickly. "It's okay Richie. It wouldn't be the first." She whispers setting her bags down.

She sits at the end of the bed, as he stares blankly at her.

"Jane?" He whimpers as he sits up. "I'm sorry." He mumbles.

I begin to collect my stuff. "Oh uh...hey. Thank you for taking care of him." She smiles gently. Before turning back to the bedroom.

Stenbrough will be coming back. Let me figure out something to add it back in.

Behind the Scenes // Stenbrough {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now