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"That's cute at fuck." Richie laughs. "Shut up R-Richie." Stanley picks his head up. His eyes droopy from lack of sleep.

"I can drive y-you home if you want," Bill whispers. Stanley nods as he lets go, the two begun to get out. "Where are you guys going?" "Tired." Is all he can say. Pulling the towel over himself quickly.

"Use protection!" Eddie slaps Richies forehead quickly before getting out too.

Stanley gazes out of the window. His eyes become heavy, quickly closing.

"Hopefully tomorrow we can- oh...." his thumb runs of the boys cheek before gripping the steering wheel.

"H-Hey Stanley...wake up..." he whispers. "Hmm? Okay." Stanley sits up, blinking a couple of times before opening the door.

He can hear the paparazzi yell for him as Bill pulls the towel back around his shoulders.

His arm gripping his shoulder. "Ignore them. I-I'll figure out how to g-get them to go away."

Stanley nods, resting his head on Bill's shoulder as they make their way out of the yard and into the house.

"Uh...if you take a shower you'll probably feel better." Stanley's too tired to really disagree so he does what he's told. Bill sits on the couch waiting for him.

Stanley stands there, letting the hot pellets of water hit his skin. Soaking his hair in the process. His eyes closed the whole time.

A slight sound startled him. "Uh...here's a towel. Took me a while to find you one." He chuckles before the door clicks.

The water turns off, Bill stands back up. Listening closely.

"I'm going to my room." Is all he can hear. "O-Okay." A couple of minutes later the door opens back up.

Stanley wears sweatpants. Not even a shirt.

He grabs a piece of cake and two forks, sitting down close to Bill.

"T-Thanks." He smiles generously as the two sit there in silence. The tv playing at a low volume.

It startles Bill that Stanley pulls his arm behind him. "You're a pretty good friend Bill." "Thanks...you too."

Stanley nods before taking another bite of the cake. His arm goes limp. "Stanley?" He whispers.

Of course, the boy is breathing. He can feel his heartbeat.

Setting the cake and the forks down, Bill peels Stanley off of him. Promptly picking him up bridal style.

His fingers grasp his thigh and bare sides. Each time he inhales he can feel the ridges of his ribs.

Laying him down gently the boy snuggled into the bed. "Bill?" "Yeah...I'm gonna g-go home. I'll see you Saturday."

Turning around he can feel his hand being gripped. "Don't go...lay down." The boy too tired to realize what he's saying.

"Can I go take a shower first?" "Sure..." he falls asleep almost instantly.

Behind the Scenes // Stenbrough {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now