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—Thursday 3:00 pm

"Well, I don't know. Haven't thought about that." He giggles lifting his head from my shoulder.

"We're here. Beverly and Eddie wanted to go shopping. We had to drag them away from the stores." "Well, I'm sorry I saw some cute shirts." Eddie giggles.

"Is Richie not coming?" Mike questions. "No. Wanted to hang out with Jane." Stanley smiles helping Eddie in.

"Oh. Okay." Ben shrugs helping Beverly in. "I bet the baby will look like him." Eddie chuckles climbing onto my back.

"It better not have the same humor." Stanley comes back up from the water. Water drips from his curls as he pushes them back.

His freckles are like little stars in the sky. His brown eyes staring into my green ones. His lips smooth. The smile on his face making my heart flutter.

"Bill? You okay?" He giggles tapping my forehead. "Yeah...I'm fine. Absolutely fine." I smile to myself.

— an hour later

"You asshole stop splashing me." Beverly giggles as she and Eddie play fight. "Ben! You're gonna drown me!" Mike smiles as the two play-fight also.

"It's usually me and Eddie watching you, Mike and Ben splash each other." "W-What about Bev?" "Tanning." He giggles in my ear, causing me to smile.

"We're here." Richie chuckles sliding in from the side. "Hi, Rich." Eddie stops for a second. "Here let me see your hand." "You're being unusually nice." Richie furrows his brows as Jane smiles.

"What do you mean. I'm always nice." "True. But you're being too nice." "Well, I am gonna be a dad." He smiles wrapping his arms around her and kissing her gently.

"Ew." Stanley giggles again.

"Don't be jealous Staniel." "I'm not," Stanley argues back as Richie pulls his away from me. "Bill!" He squeals grabbing onto my hand.

Now that I've heard him scream my name, I don't know if hearing him squeal like that will ever be the same.

"Bill! You let go." He chuckles coughing up water. "S-Sorry." I smile patting his bareback.

—A little later / Third person omniscient

At this point, everyone has split up into different groups. Eddie Beverly and Jane talking about the baby, Stanley watching on a float as Richie, Bill, Ben, and Mike play fight.

"S-Shit Richie." Bill laughs loudly. "I hope he doesn't act that way towards the baby." Jane giggles.

"I'm sure he'll be extra careful. We met some babies on the street and he was very gentle with them. He loves them." Eddie smiles admiring how the four splash around.

"I'm excited." Her hand grips Eddie's shoulder gently. "He's gonna be a good dad." Eddie smiles weakly towards her.

On the other hand, you can't really see the boys fighting, it's mostly the water splashing everywhere. Bill and Richie try their best to pull each other under as Ben and Mike just splash each other.

"They're literally children." Stanley smiles floating his way over to the three. "Especially Richie." Beverly smiles at Ben.

Finally, the splashing stops as the four laughs loudly. "What the fuck? How did you do that?!" Richie coughs up lots of water as Bill laughs.

His laugh loud and sweet like honey.

Behind the Scenes // Stenbrough {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now