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I stand there for a couple of seconds, realizing he's asleep.

"What t-the fuck, how d-did I get h-here?" Stanley wakes up to an individual beside him. "Bill? How did you get in here?" "N-not sure."

Stanley's arm thrown over Bill's bare chest. The two had snuggled all night without knowing.

"Fucking hell. Richie?" Richie snickers as he rests beside Eddie.

"I told you it wasn't a good idea." "What did you do?" Richie snickers a bit more as Bill walks up behind Stanley, settling his hand on his shoulder.

The two only wearing shorts. And having bed-head.

Richie starts to wheeze. "Fuck you and whatever you did." Stanley turns around, finding his phone and checking the time. "Why the fuck are we up? It's six in the morning."

Bill shrugs, sitting back onto the bed. Stanley's back faced towards him as he stretches.

Now Bill has no attraction to Stanley, they're only co-workers. But something about how he stretches makes Bill's heart flutter.

"Bill? Are you okay?" He nods before going to find his own phone.

"Richie?!" Richie starts to wheeze even more.

He has posted a picture of Stanley while sleeping. He looks good in the picture but in the back, you can see Bill asleep.

Stanelyurisisbby: oh shit. Here we go again
billdenbroughdirector: I kind of ship it though
birdboy_uris: I literally hate you, Richie
Big_dicktozier: you love me 😤

Yes, he does. But not at the moment.

"Richie your big dumb brain might cancel my career." "I have. A big brain? Thanks, Staniel."

Stanley goes to lunge at Richie. Bill catches him. "N-not a good idea."

Bill's cold hands on Stanley's sides make him shiver. His face turning red. No one has touched him like that in a while. "You suck you know that right?" The taller one chuckles.

Bill slides down onto the wall, scrolling through his tagged. All of its drama based accounts or accounts that love Bill as a person.

"Well. This is gonna be bad. Come here." Stanley grabs his hand, leading him to the front door.

Of course, the boy has a gate in front of his house. With being 'famous' you gotta be safe.

Multiple paparazzi stand at the gate, snapping pictures left to right. Stanley waves as Bill stands behind him. Stanley finally lets go of his hand.

Both of them shirtless.

"You know what you're doing right?" "Yeah. It's fine. I'll say something about it later." "So if I did this? Would you be able to fix that?" Bill puts his arms around the boy's waist. Snuggling his head on his shoulder.

The two still shirtless, with bed head.

"Probably not now. Thanks a lot." The two make their way inside. Five unhappy faces show up. "You two are gonna get 'canceled' now." Stanley rolls his eyes before making his way into the bathroom.

Richie can't take it anymore. He falls to the ground in a laughing fit. Clutching at his bare sides.

Behind the Scenes // Stenbrough {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now