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"Why is it so fucking bright in here?" Bill opens his eyes, Stanley halfway lays over top of him. "Fuck man... my head hurts." Stanley whimpers as Bill pulls him closer.

"Let's get up, take s-something. I think I'm dying." Stanley chuckles tiredly before sitting up.

Both of their voices strained, that would be a problem.

The two stumble down the hallway. "Are t-those Richies p-pants?" "Well, there's Richie."

He lays with Eddie on top of him. Eddies soft snores being the only sound in the room. Their boxers still on. As Eddie said, they wouldn't go that far.

"Fuck them...why on my couch?" Bill walks back with a cup of water.

"You're so mean." Stanley grins, pulling the blanket tighter around himself.

Soon standing behind the taller boy. Wrapping the blanket slight around Bills hip, where's Stanley's arms rest.

Richie and Eddie both gasp, tensing up.

"What the fuck Bill?" Eddie squeals raising his top half off of the boy. Richie smirks as their hips stay in contact.

"What was that for?" He smirks disappears. "You two almost fucked on my couch." "Almost." Eddie mumbles.

"I'm bored. Let's go out and do something." "Like what? Fans will be everywhere. And we're hungover." "That's your own fault. Withstand the price."

"As my manager, I would predict you to be much nicer." He laughs. Bill leans against his back, letting his chin rest on the boy's shoulder.

"I wanna take a nap." His eyes droopy. "Go take one. I might join later." "Kinky." Everyone rolls their eyes at Richie.

"Don't make me do it, Richie." "It's been so wouldn't dare." Eddie and Bill watch as the two glare at each other.

"Beep beep asshole."

Richie glares at the boy, silently tapping on the counter. "That makes him shut up?" "'ll make him shut up and stop making jokes." Eddie smiles colorfully.

Behind the Scenes // Stenbrough {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now