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"You suck Richie." Stanley walks done the stairs, meeting two pairs of eyes.

Of course. Richie starts to wheeze as Stanley rubs his eye with his palm.

"Fucking hell, Bill. When's the last time you went home?!" Eddie throws a blanket at the boy.

"N-not gonna lie. I d-don't know." He doesn't.

Stanley stops at the end of the stairs. Bill leans onto his back. Letting his headrest on his bare shoulder.

"I-I can't breathe!" He continues to wheeze. Eddie can't help but smile.

Bill pulls the blanket, letting it rest onto Stanley's shoulders too.

Richie calms down, tears rolling down his cheeks. For some reason, seeing the two shirtless, half-awake, and messy hair. Is funny to the boy.

Stanley can feel Bill's cold fingertips tapping against his stomach. Eddie closes the curtains.

"Fuck...they saw us didn't they?" Eddie nods, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Why don't you just come out and say you're dating or something." Stanley giggles, not in an 'oh no, totally no.' Cute kind of way. But like a 'yeah that's never gonna happen' way.

"No offense Bill, fuck no." He walks away, searching through the fridge.

"Haha...yeah no." The taller one sits on the couch, looking through his social media.

"You're fucked." Richie chuckles, which leads to Bill punching him in the side. "F-fuck man." Basically knocking the wind out of the boy.

Bill purses his lips together tightly. Reading all the fan theories of the two.

Only one of them is correct.

"Maybe they're really good friends. There are pictures of Stanley, he looks tired after swimming. Bill probably stayed with him to make sure he would be okay. Y'all need to chill."

*liked by BillDenbrough_*

New post flood his feed.

"Bill liked this comment. It must be true."

"I don't believe that but whatever."

"They're totally dating."

"I had the same idea. People need to leave their business alone"
*liked by BillDenbrough_*

Stanley walks back, oatmeal, and two spoons in hand.

"Thanks." He takes the spoon, eating a little bit of oatmeal, keeping the spoon in his mouth.

"The more you two hang out, the more rumors will spread." Sadly the shortest one is right. A nod startles the four.

"Probably paparazzi...nope. Connor." Stanley jumps up, opening the door quickly.

"Hey, Connor." He smiles, hugging him lightly before sitting back beside an eye-rolling Bill.

"Hey, guys...I uh. I wanted to see if we could all hang out." With the hesitation in his sentence, he evidently only wanted to hang out with Stanley.

"Richie, Bill, and I have places to be. Sorry." Richie goes to intervene, Eddie clutches his hand. Leading him towards the door.

Richie gazes at their hands intertwined.

Bill nods sadly, heading upstairs and grabbing his clothes and leaving.

Behind the Scenes // Stenbrough {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now