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—Thursday 11:50 pm / Stanley's POV

"Thank you." I smile grabbing the food. "Y-Yeah...he said that Beverly has Ben...Richie and Jane. Uh... m-me and you and Mike and some girl from a coffee shop." Bill chuckles scratching the back of his neck.

"Me and you? He thinks we're dating?" "Yeah." He chuckles again, handing everyone their food. "Does Richie know?" Glancing towards him he smiles weakly. He doesn't tell loud jokes. His voice is soft.

"Don't think s-so." He shrugs handing me a fork. "Thanks."

— Friday 12:15 am

"Bye Rich." I smile closing the door. "I'm tired." Bill chuckles putting all of his weight on me.

"I'm gonna go lay down." I push him off gently . "Night." He yawns making his way into the extra bedroom.

—Bill's POV

"Who's calling me?" I groan grabbing my phone.


B: What do you want?

R: It's...Its Stan!

B: W-Woah breathe what is it?

R: H-He stopped breathing in his sleep....come to the hospital.

Richie whimpers before hanging up. Sliding a t-shirt on and my converse I run out of the house. Holding my phone and keys.

"Bill?" "B-Beverly...w-w-where is he?" "Breathe please," Ben says softly which doesn't help. "N-No...where is h-h-he." I raise my voice. Once hearing another one I become alert.

"F-Fuck." Is all I can mumble as I listen to him yell.

My vision goes white. I end up in his room.

"Stan?" Gasping noises startle me. The light comes on. There lays Stan. He grabs onto his through as he gasps for air.

"F-Fuck." Is all I can mutter. I finally rush to him.

"H-Hey it's okay. Okay? L-Listen to me." His face starts to turn a light red color.

"Please breathe come on!" I continue to yell as he claws at my back. All I can do is hug him for some reason.

He goes limp.

"N-No!" Tears weld in my eyes. "No!" I yell over and over as someone pulls me away. "Why didn't you help him?!" Richie pulls Eddie back as two new men pull Stanley away. "No! Don't take him!" Richie yells as tears stream down his face.

I wake up quickly, my breathing heavy as I find myself sitting up. "Stan? Stan?" I wander through the hall as I find myself in his room. He whimpers, tossing and turning.

"'s okay." I latch onto him gently. "Bill? Oh my god." He whimpers as his small cries become quieter. He both lay down, holding onto each other tightly. Our eyes flutter close.

Remember. Italics mean dreams or flashbacks

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