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He leans onto me. His forehead resting on my neck.

My arms wrap around his waist as we go deeper into the water. It ends up being below my collarbones. Stanley wraps his legs around my waist.

He's clingy. But the good type of clingy.

Small clicks startle Stanley. "They're taking pictures." "Who? R-Richie and Eddie?" "No...some guy with a camera." We whisper at each other. Slowly the other two make their way over to us.

"What do we do?" "Get out?" Richie suggests. "I guess?" Stanley whispers laying his chin on my shoulder. My heart flutters.

"Come on Richie." Eddie grabs his hand, the two slowly getting out and making their way into the house.

"Come o-on," I whisper gripping his legs as I walk. I don't let go as we get out and walk into the house. "Here's some towels." Eddie hands us two.

"Richie please cover-up." He throws his swim trunks at us, Eddie squeals loudly. Throwing them back.

"I might be gay but I didn't need to see that." Eddie rubs his eyes as Stanley snickers.

"You like what you see Eds?" He comes back with his pants on. "Richie if you're naked I'll hit you where it hurts." he keeps his back towards Richie.

"I'm coming for you Eds." He smirks grabbing the boy, he squirms in his arms as Richie runs down the hallway into a room.

"Don't you fucking dare Richie!" A loud giggle can be heard from the room.

"I'm gonna go take a shower." I sigh as Stanley nods. Quickly grabbing my towel near my hip. Looking back he leans into me. "Wait a bit." He whispers as he walks us to the couch.

Sitting me down he sits beside me. "Are y-you okay?" "Yeah...just tired." He snuggles up next to me, his cold fingertips surprising me.

I lean back, laying completely in my back I pull him onto my bare chest.

My arms go around his back as he lets out one big breath. We both fall asleep gradually one after the other.

Behind the Scenes // Stenbrough {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now