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I sigh, gripping my towel a bit tighter before walking into my room.

"S-Stanley?" "Oh hey... was looking for my shirt." He chuckles softly. "Bathroom floor." He nods before walking past me.

"Fuck." I close the door softly, locking it behind me.

"What's wrong Bill?"
"N-Nothing...just t-tired." Ben nods, continuing his conversation with Beverly.

"I think you l-left another shirt in my room. D-Do you wanna come and see i-if it's yours?" Before he can answer I pull him quickly to my room. Closing the door quickly.

"You didn't have to lie like t-that I'm your Instagram post." His back makes a small thumping sound against the wall.

"I had to. People would question. Why are you so mad?" His brows knit together.

I examine his face.

"Answer the question, Bill." "Do I have to?" I ask sarcastically. "I mean it would help this situation." He rolls his eyes.

"It honestly seems like you're a-ashamed to sleep in the same bed with me." He looks up at me.

"I'm not."

I press my lips against his quickly. He pulls away, pushing me away harshly. "Asshole," I mumble grabbing my shoes and jacket.

"Hey Bill...where are you going?" I ignore Eddie and walk out of the house.

—Stanley's POV

"What happened? Why are you two acting weird?" Beverly chuckles tiredly. "It's nothing he's just in a bad mood." I run my fingers over my lips.

"He kisses you didn't he?" "No. Why would you say that?" My voice full of annoyance. "You used to do that when I would kiss you." "Whatever Richie. We didn't."

One moment we're fine and friends. Next moment he's acting like an asshole.

—Bill's POV

I pull into the driveway. Hopping out quickly. The rain soaking my clothes.

I knock on the door quickly. "Stop knock- Bill?" "Hey." "Come inside." He smiles gently. "Here let me get you a towel." I stand in place, admiring the walls I haven't seen in a while.

"What are you doing here?" He throws it around my shoulders. "I don't know...I wanted to see you." My thumb goes over his smooth cheek.

"Bill... for real. Why?" We sit on the couch gently. "I uh...I like this guy. He's an a-asshole apparently. I'm over him." "So you came here?" "I wanted to k-know if I could get my second chance." I smile weakly.

Behind the Scenes // Stenbrough {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now