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"No Richie, you're not hooking up with my manager." "Why not?" "When you do you leave them, only using them. And you've done that a lot." "They're fine." "No Richie. You hurt them. Maybe you should find someone who you actually love." "I love you Stan the Man." "I love you too. But you know what I'm talking about."

Richie and I argue as we walk to the first day of set. It had been a week since meeting with the director.

"Fine. I'll find someone." I roll my eyes playfully. "Hey Stan, Richie." Richie nods gently before sitting down. "I uh...I broke up with Bill." "Oh no, Eddie I'm sorry." I gently hug him. "It's fine." "So you're single?" "Richie if you don't leave him alone I will personally break your knee caps." "Kinky if you ask me but whatever." He chuckles, sitting back down.

"Beverly is over there with your outfit." I nod. Beverly runs over hugging me tightly. "I got a date with Ben." "Really? That's cute." She pushes me into the seat. "He's really nice." I smile.

A lady comes in. "Oh yeah, forgot about that." She begins to put a darker shade of brown on my hair. Making it go from golden brown to a regular one. "You'll look fine Staniel." "Oh shut up Richie, I'm not the one with one with half blue hair."

It's true. The boy had made me bleach and dye one side of his hair blue.

"It's faded now. I know. I want it black again." He pouts, pulling a seat up next to me. "I...uh I can get you an appointment to get it dyed Richie." Richie smiles softly as the boy does so.

Throughout the week I met up with Mike. Figuring out what I would have to do. It isn't much. Just a couple fake punches but that's all.

"Hey, Billiam." "R-Richard." "Ugh. Not that name." We all chuckle, behind me stands a man with blond hair. Must've gotten it done over the weekend. "I like your hair." I smile as he looks into the mirror. "T-Thanks." I nod. "Now we wait." The lady walks away.

"Here." Eddie hands me water, Bill grips his wrist. "I'm s-sorry for whatever I d-did." Eddies face softens. "You didn't do anything. I'm sorry." The two walk outside of the room.

"Shit. Richie, you're about to get your ass whooped." Richie sighs, handing me his glasses.

Behind the Scenes // Stenbrough {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now