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Stanley's breath wakes me up slowly. He lays on top of me. Checking my phone it's 11 pm.

Eddie throws a blanket over us. "Richie's asleep...passed out as soon as we laid down." He whispers softly.

Slowly I shift, laying the boy in my spot. "M-my legs are asleep." I chuckle making my way to the bathroom as Eddie grabs a couple of snacks.

—Stanley's POV

I shift in my spot, trying to pull Bill closer, finally realizing he's not there.

"Bill?" My voice soft but a bit frantic. I rub my eye with my hand.

"Bill? Where are you?" Sitting up I push the blanket off. "Bill? Hello? Where are you? Kind of scaring me right now." I whisper a bit louder.

His phone on the coffee table, the time 11:15 pm.

"Bill?" I push the curls from my face. "Stan? What's w-wrong?" I let out a sigh of relief, pushing my hair back once again.

"I thought you left or something." I chuckle gently.

—Bill's POV

"I d-didn't scare you, did I?" "Yeah...kind of did." His dimples appearing slowly. I sit beside him, letting his backrest against my stomach.

"Shit..." he glances at my phone.

'Big Time actors Richie Tozier and Stanley Uris share intimate moments with two possible new lovers: Bill Denbrough and Eddie Kaspbrak.'

Multiple photos of me holding Stanley, his head on my shoulder. One photo of Richie naked, running down the hallway. And a couple of Richie and Eddie.

"Fuck them..." he whispers pulling my arms around him. "They th-think we're a couple." "Crazy right?" He giggles gently, grabbing my phone, and taking a couple of pictures of us two.

"Yeah...c-crazy." I sigh laying my head back.

"What's up fuckers." Richie yawns sitting at the far end of the couch. A blanket wrapped over his shoulders. Eddie sits on his lap gently, letting his back rest on the armrest.

"They got a picture of you naked Richie." "Won't be the first time." Eddies eyes widen as we all laugh.

"I'm tired." Stanley plays with my hands waving them around as they stay intertwined with the back of his.

"You have big hands." "Well, thanks, Stan." I sarcastically say. "In a good way." Letting go I lay my hands against his ribs. His breathing steady.

My thumbs gently run over his smooth skin, ridges of where his ribs are.

Behind the Scenes // Stenbrough {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now