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*Bill's POV we also know other characters thoughts but he doesn't*

"They aren't even together Bill." "They w-why did they almost f-fuck on your couch?" Us three sit, Beverly does Stanley's makeup.

"I don't know. Why don't you ask them that." "You two share a bed all the time. They cuddle Beverly." Richie chuckles slapping the back of my head.

"F-Fucker." I mumble. "That doesn't mean anything." Stanley chuckles thinking back to the kiss.

"We did that and you caught feelings very fast." Richie thinks back to when the two dated. "Well, I'm different now."

I admire the boy as I sit behind the camera, each time he messes up a line he giggles. Showing his dimples.

"Sorry. I don't know what's happening today." He giggles gently. I can feel myself smiling.

"Billiam?" "Richard?" "Stop smiling." I furrow my brows, playfully rolling my eyes.

"Cut... good job." Richie pushes his curls back. "I'm going home, taking a shower, and gonna watch tv or something." Stanley stretches.

"Can I join?" "Richie you basically live there ninety-nine percent of the time. Yes."

I can feel the heat on my face. It's not anger or sadness. It's no happiness for sure. Not confusion nor fear.


"Bill you should come. I'm gonna swim." I nod my head grabbing everything I need. 

"Richie y-you're gonna drown m-me." "That's my plan my dear big Bill." "You won't get payed, Richie." Stanley glances up from his float.

" promises after the movie is finished." "You literally suck." I quickly push the boy under the water. The blue hairspray coming off.

"Literal children if you ask me." Stanley nods his head in agreement as he watches the sunset.

"Are you done drowning each other?" "Nope!" Richie squeals as his head goes underwater once more. Us two begin to play fight.

"Do you love Richie?" "Why?" "I mean you almost hooked up. That has something to do with it." "No..." "You know he was supposed to get married to some girl. He can't stay in relationships very well."

"Well. That's his problem," he sighs. "We aren't dating or anything." "He shows a lot of interest in you. More than the others he's dated or almost married." The two chuckle as I sneak up behind Stanley.

Quickly flipping his float. "Shit Bill." He comes up coughing water, his curls in his face. "Sorry. D-didn't know you were gonna drink the water." I chuckle pushing the loose curls back, wiping his face off with my thumbs.

"Haha so funny." He smiles. He leans onto me. His forehead resting on my neck.

Behind the Scenes // Stenbrough {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now