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—Friday Morning

"Are you sure you okay?" He lifts my chin, examining my neck. "If I say no will you stop asking?" "Yes." "Then no. I'm absolutely not okay."

Bill purses his lips, his brows furrow. "You s-suck." "You know I'm your favorite." I giggle wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Stop flirting come on I have to cover that makeup. I'm literally gonna kill him." Beverly pulls me away from Bill, pushing me into the chair.

"I'm here." Richie wears the clothes he left wearing yesterday, except a bloody nose and a black eye are new.

"What the fuck Richie?!" Eddie pulls him by the collar of the shirt. "What the fuck did you do?" Richie bites the inside of his lip, looking away.

"Fine then." The smaller one starts to clean off his face, using a disinfectant on the cut on his cheek.

"Are you gonna tell me what happened?" Eddie whispers. "No. It's not that important." His voice hoarse.

"Yes, the fuck it is. Now tell me." Richie rolls his eyes looking away once again.

"Fucking Bowers man. Are you happy now?" "No. Sit back down." He pushes him back in the seat. "What happened exactly?"

"He started talking some shit about...about you. And Stan and Bill. I wasn't gonna sit there and listen. I said something and he punched me."

"Shit Richie." Eddies arms for around his neck, gently hugging him. "I wasn't gonna try to make you worry you know. I thought you would brush it off."

Eddie sighs. "You know I care about you a lot." The two leave the room, finding some more stuff to treat the cuts and stuff on his face.

—Friday @ lunch

"D-do you have to steal food off of my plate?" "Yes. I share all of mine with you." "You have a p-point. What about you R-Richie?" "Yeah, I'm just hungry." We all laugh. "Steal food off of Eddies p-plate."

The smaller one glares at him. "Nope. I'm fine."

"Don't look now but there's
C-Connor," I grip Bill's hand gently under the table. "And some other dude."

"That's him." "Tozier?" Richie sits still, not turning around. "Turn around." He hisses. Richie continues to eat.

"Richie. He's gonna murder you if you don't turn around." I whisper yell, he shrugs. "One last chance Tozier." He grips Richie's hair.

"Shit man. Be careful. It cost a lot to look this beautiful." Bill chokes on his food a bit.

"Why didn't you turn? Huh? You scared?" "Nah. You didn't say Tozier right." The tall blond one glares at him.

"I can smell your breath from right here. Here have a breath mint." Richie puts a piece of gum in the boy's mouth.

Bill loses it. He wheezes.

"F-fuck man." I pat his back. "Bill you'll get you ass beat if you keep on laughing." I snicker as he takes a drink. "I-I can't...he's k-killing me." He holds back a laugh.

Wc: 499
A small little funny chapter bc Idk what's gonna happen next. I don't plan stuff out ngl

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