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My vision comes back slightly. Bright lights hurt my eyes. "Hmm...where am I?" I try to say. Nothing comes out but a rasp.

"Stan? Oh, thank god." Someone hugs me gently. Their smell giving it away.

Their smell that's made me smile for the past fourteen years.

The smell of cigarettes and mint gum.

"Richie?" I rasp out. "Guys he's awake." He stares into my eyes. His pupils dilated, most likely meaning he's still a tiny bit drunk.

Also, he loves me. Your pupils dilate when you see someone you love.

Multiple people rush into the room one by one. "Shit S-Stan." Someone lets out a sigh of relief.

"What happened?"

(Btw '??' Means like someone asking a question but their voice is loud. Also italics mean a flashback)

—Eddie's POV / earlier

"I'm cold Eds." "Stop being a baby. I'm getting you a blanket." I chuckle gently. "Just gotta find them first," I mumble to myself wandering down the dark hallway.

"Hey to have any extra blankets? Richie's bitching." I chuckle sticking my head into his room.

I wait a couple of seconds staring at the pitch darkness. "Stan?" I say a little louder. "Stan?" I walk in the darkness, finding his bed slowly.

"Hey...wake up please." I chuckle poking his side gently.

"Stan?" I turn the bedside table on. My fingers make their way to his neck. I stare at him until realizing his chest isn't raising back up.

"Hey man. Stop acting. Kind of scaring me here." I plant my hand on his chest gently.

His heart is still beating...faintly. I scream. Falling to my knees as tears stream down my faces.

"Eds?" Richie rushes into the room slowly. "Hey hey hey...what's wrong." I point at Stanley my finger shaking violently.

"He-He's not breathing." Richie furrows his brows before putting his head onto Stanley's chest. "Shit...go grab a phone or something. Hurry!"

Richie straddles his hips, quickly performing CPR.

Operator: O

O: 911 what's your emergency

E: my friend. He- he stopped breathing!

O: can you hear his heartbeat?

E: faintly...please hurry!
I yell into the phone

E: my address is (random address yk)

O: Ambulance is on their way. Continue doing CPR and stay on the phone with me okay?

E: okay.

A minute goes by. A man pushes me out of the way quickly. Richie climbs off of the bed, pulling me into a hug. "Come on Eds!" His voice startles me as my feet won't move.

"Come on." He drags me away from the room. He cries too.

—Richie's POV

A minute goes by, I hear gasps. I let go of Eddie. I run into the room where they put him on a stretcher. He arches his back as he tries to get out of the restraints. He whimpers as they rub against his wrist and ankles.

He screams as they tie him down. "Richie! Bill!!" He yells over and over. "Hey hey hey. I'm here." "Where's Bill!? Bill?!!" He yells as they pull him away, the oxygen mask muffling his screams.

"Fuck. Eddie come on." Eddie grabs our stuff before rushing outside and getting in the car.

Behind the Scenes // Stenbrough {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now