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"Bill?" He whispers as their foreheads come together. "Yeah, I k-know....I'm you b-boss. I-I'm sorry." He stands up quickly closing the bedroom door behind him.

"Stanley? Come on we gotta go to set. It's Saturday remember?" Stanley looks up from his cereal bowl.

"Oh yeah..." he stands up slowly, making his way to his room.

"C-cut...good job everyone." "Could I uh...get a towel?" Richie chuckles wiping the fake blood from his nose.

"Hey, stan." "Connor." He nods his head. "Do you wanna hang out later today?" "I have plans with Bill...and the others sorry." It's true the seven made plans. Just separately.

"Fine." Connor rolls his eyes before walking away.


"Wait wait can't do that to me." Bill watches Stanley through the camera, admiring how his facial expressions change in the middle of his sentences.

The boy can feel his heartbeat a bit faster. His blinking rapid, his face turning a bright red.

Eddie nudges him, Bill glances over slightly. Stanley glances at the camera, messing his words up.

"Ah, shit...sorry." Everyone laughs slightly, Richie wiping the fake tears away.

"Are you okay Bill?" "Yeah...." "You like him?" Bill avoids eye contact, yelling action before he can answer.

—current time—

"Billiam my sweet boss," Richie says in a sing-songy voice. "What?" "Can you convince Edward over here to go on a friendly date with me?"

He glances over at Eddie whose face is red with a mix of anger and embarrassment. "Listen I'll go if you stop calling me all those nicknames."

Richie smiles brightly before wrapping his arm around the boy and walking away.

"Connor asked if I wanted to hang out today. I said I was gonna hang out with you today. He seemed upset." Stanley chuckles, splitting an apple in half.

"Here." "T-Thanks...yeah h-he's like that some t-times."

The two continue to talk, laughing a whole bunch.

"So you d-dated Richie? Did you two?-" "No no no...almost..." Stanley's face turning a light pink. "He was a good kisser...not as well as some people." He chuckles, taking another drink of alcohol.

"Who's s-some people?" He snickers. "There's a list. In a non-hoe way, you know. Richie is number two, Connor is like number ten." Bill's eyes widen in confusion.

"You've kisses more than t-ten guys?" "Twelve...I know it's bad but  almost all of them except like four were for movies or shows." "I've only kissed like three guys." He says softly.

"Cute...Eddie and two others. Who's number one?" Bill thinks for a moment. "Someone." "Wow, thanks...I totally know who they are." He giggles, throwing his head back slightly.

Bill admires his face. His jawline. His neck. His nose crinkle. Especially his soft looking lips.

Behind the Scenes // Stenbrough {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now