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"You k-know as soon as they see you
I'm my s-sweater. More rumors will spread." Bill frowns as I lock the door.

"We'll fix it." I shrug as my knee gives out. I grab onto his hand quickly.

"You really are gonna get hurt one day." He chuckles opening my door. "Yeah, whatever." I giggle starting the car.

—at set / Friday / 9:46 am

"Stop being. Weirdo Richie." Eddie grumbles pushing him away. "You have a girlfriend remember." Eddie sighs as Richie's hands come out of the boy's shirt.

"And a baby." He smiles sitting down in front of Beverly. "Yeah, whatever." Eddie walks away. "He seems salty." He shrugs as Beverly sprays light blue on his head.

"That's the f-forth time your knee has g-given out." Bill chuckles letting go of my hand. "I don't know why it does that." I shrug as Beverly starts to apply makeup.

—Bill's POV

I admire the way that Stan smiles in the scene. The way he and Richie interact as friends and as co-workers.

I admire the way he laughs when someone makes a mistake on their lines.

I almost forget to move the camera.

I get the behind the scenes look. And I love it.

"Good j-job Rich." I chuckle grabbing the food. "Ya know. We only have like a week left of filming." "Yeah...I'm n-not ready to be done." I frown at his remark.

"I am. Waking up early sucks." He shrugs clinging onto Eddie. His arms around his torso as his hands travel up his shirt.

" have a girlfriend. Back off." "But-" "No buts." Richie grins before frowning, his fingers tap around the boy's ribs before moving.

"C'mere. Let's talk." He drags the boy away.

"Thank you." Stan giggles taking food from my plate. "Y-You suck." I smile gently. I admire his face as he continues to eat.

"You have a starring problem ya know." He giggles.

Behind the Scenes // Stenbrough {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now