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Stanley looks peaceful as he sleeps. Bill admires the boy's freckles.

He stands in the doorway, towel around his waist. Deciding whether he wants to lay with him, or go home.

"S-Stan?" "Hmm? Come lay down. I'm cold." "Let me get dressed, hold on."

"Here. Scoot over." Stanley does as he's told. Scooting over and letting the boy lay beside him.

He wasn't lying when he said he was cold.

His hands cold. "Here." Bill holds onto them. Starting to warm them up.

"Thank you..." is all Stanley fan saw before drifting to sleep. The warmth of Bill's body making him feel different, not bad different.

One slight shift in the bed wake Stanley up almost immediately. The one move is Bill's hand gripping his lower back to pull him closer.

Like a habit.

The boy lets out a small breath, sending shivers down Bill's spine. Waking him up immediately.

Before Bill can open his eyes, the smaller one snuggles close to him. Not like they can get any closer.

His head underneath Bill's chin. His breathing slow and steady. His lips close to Bill's neck, if he moved any closer. Bill won't know what to do.

"Bill?" "Hmm?" Bill noticed his breathing low and shallow. "Are you okay?" He calms his breathing once again.

"Y-yeah... are you?" "Yeah." He whispers, drawing light shapes on the taller ones back.

Bill's cheeks turn a light shade of pink. No attraction here. Just laying in a bed with your co-worker.

A phone rings, Bill turns over. Picking it up instantly.

*Richie wants to FaceTime*

Stanley's phone.

"What Richie?"

"I'm bored. Come downstairs."

"When did you get into my house?"

"Maybe an hour ago. Eddies here too...and Bill." He smirks.

"Not like that. Fuck you asshole."

Stanley hangs up, snuggling back into the older one's bare chest.

"We need to go d-down there you know." Stanley sighs, propping himself up by his arm.

"I don't wanna. I wanna lay here."

"Richie please shut up." "You're no fun Eds." "I can're just being loud."

Behind the Scenes // Stenbrough {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now