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The seven make their way to set. Forgetting everything that had just happened.

"Have you seen social media?" "Well hello to you too, Connor." "Sorry. But still." He chuckles, holding out his phone "Yeah...it was a joke. Someone here decided to start the whole thing."

Everyone glances at Richie. The faded blue from his hair now gone as he smiles. "You do look a lot better with your natural hair color." "I wouldn't have dyed it if I would've known you earlier."

Stanley rolls his eyes as Beverly continues his makeup. The hair lady spraying on a light blue hair spray.

Bill sits in the back, most likely scrolling through social media. "There's edits of u-us kissing now." "Cute." Stanley giggles.

He doesn't mean it the way you think he saying it as. It's another way to say 'cool'.

(I literally say cute to everything 😂)

"People are dming me now. What should I say?" "Just tell them it was a joke. We were playing around." Richie starts to record.

"It was a joke. We made a cake last night. Everyone needs to chill. There were five other people in the house."

The video goes viral as soon as Richie posts it.

Fan48347: finally. Jesus Christ everyone needs to stay out of their business anyways
Billdenbroughdirector: awww. They must be good friends though

Richie reads out comments, mostly funny ones. "Was the cake good though?" They all laugh and nod.

"Well...g-good job you g-guys." Stanley wipes the water from his face. A pool scene with Connor, Richie, and Stanley.

A pool party scene. Most of the crew leaving as soon as the scene ends. Leaving eight people.

"Come on Richie. Let's swim." Eddie pushes his wet hair back. "Fine." Richie pulls his shirt off, jumping in beside Eddie.

"The two have to like each other." "R-Richie might. I'm not s-sure about Eddie. It takes h-him a while to figure st-stuff like that out."

His feet splash in the water, the smaller one sitting in front of him.

"What?" He smiles slightly. "Nothing." Connor pulls Stanley away. Dunking his head under. "You...You fucker." He coughs up water as Richie tackles Connor. The two start to play fight. Splashing each other.

"Literal kids." Bill nods in agreement, pulling himself into the water. "Your natural hair color was brown right?" "Yeah...light brown to be exact."

The two float near the deep end. "Maybe a very dark brown would look nice." Bill realized Stanley stares at his lips. His brown eyes meeting Bill's green ones. "Yeah..." Stanley rests his head on Bill's collarbone.

He finds his hand going through the boy's hair. The laughs from Richie and the rest fade out. His main focus right now is the one he holds now.

Behind the Scenes // Stenbrough {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now