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B: please tell me what I did wrong.

S: you should know

B: I literally don't. That's why I'm asking

S: don't play dumb Bill

B: you know I could easily call off this whole movie if I wanted, just because they way your acting towards me.

S: our careers are in jeopardy because of what you said to the paparazzi.

B: I have no clue what your talking about. I haven't talked to any paparazzi today.

S: whatever.

Eddie starts to look through headlines. "Nope...not this one either." "Found it," Richie calls out at Bill sits beside the two.

"Hottest News: Bug time director Bill Denbrough settles the drama, instead it causes a lot more.

Bill Denbrough states: "The whole r-reason everyone h-has seen me around with S-Stanley is because we're simply h-hooking up." He chuckles.

That stirs a lot more drama than he expected. Fans have gone crazy."

"W-what the actual f-fuck." By the time Bill finishes his sentence, Richie grabs him, taking him outside to the car.

"Bill Bill! Is it true you've been hooking up with Stanley uris?!" Bill stays silent until sitting in the front seat.

"Fucking drive Richie." He nods before backing up.

"Fuck him." Stanley whispers. The door opens quickly.

"What the fuck Richie! Get out!" Richie pushes Eddie and Bill in before slamming the door closed.

"No. Whatever you've heard isn't true." "Richie...." Richie leans down to Stanley's level.

"Listen motherfucker we aren't fucking leaving. Got it?" Stanley rolls his eyes and crosses his arms.

Richie is one of the few people that can actually get Stanley to shut up in that way. Basically the only person.

Eddies jaw drops as Richie puts his normal smile back on. "He's always like that." Stanley pushes his brown curls back.

"Now...there's no way Bill has had the time to talk to paparazzi. So he definitely didn't do it." "Who did it then?" The sarcasm in Stanley's voice is very noticeable.

Bill sits silently glancing up at the three.

"No need to be sarcastic Stanley, you need to chill out, we'll fix the problem." Stanley sighs as his mood changes from pretty upset to tired.

"I'm gonna go take a nap. This is bullshit." The three nod, soon hearing his door close.

"I d-didn't say it." "We believe you, Bill." Beverly peeks from behind the front door. Ben and Mike wave.

"I don't know who there anyone that would make up a fake rumor about you?" "N-no...I'm not sure a-about Stan though."

Mike nods before sitting beside him. "We'll figure it out, maybe you should go talk to him. Maybe to calm him down?"

"Here...bring him a cookie. He'll thank you." Richie smiles as he comes back from the kitchen with a cookie.

"Uh...hey." Stanley pulls the cover-up. "I uh...I b-brought you a cookie." Stanley sits up slowly, reaching for it.

"Thanks." He breaks it in half. "Here."

Stanley has known Bill for over a week and has shared almost all of his food with the boy. With knowing Richie for fourteen years, he hardly even shares with him.

"Thanks." Bill sits beside the shirtless boy. "I'm sorry for yelling and stuff." He lays his head on the older one's shoulder. Letting the blanket fall looser from his body.

Bill's cold fingertips clutch his side, pulling him closer as he puts his arm around Stanley's back.

"It's okay..." Stanley can feel Bill starring at him in the corner of his eye.

"What?" He says softly, giggling the slightest bit. "N-nothing." They make eye contact.

Before Stan can say anything Bill kisses him quickly. Catching him by surprise.

Behind the Scenes // Stenbrough {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now