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"I wanted to k-know if I could get my second chance." I smile weakly.

"Am I understanding this correctly?" "I realized I wanted you back..."

And it's true. After realizing how much of a 'dick' Stanley is. He realizes this boy made him really happy.

"You decided to choose me over Eddie?" "Eddie's d-difficult to explain." I sigh dragging my hands through my hair.

"The last time I saw you it was 4 years ago. You left me." He tilts his head slightly.

"I'm sorry...I p-promise it won't happen a-again." I smile weakly as he climbs onto my lap, his knees on either side of my legs.

He begins kissing me gently. It becomes more passionate.

"Fuck I've missed you." "I've missed you too," I say in between kissing him. His lips soft. Like I remember.

I sit up, wrapping my arms around his waist, resting my head on his collarbones gently.

"Let's go back to my p-place," I whisper as he climbs off of my lap, walking away for a couple of minutes.

"I'm ready let's go." He smiles gently grabbing my hand.

"Who's all here?" "I forgot to tell them to leave. Just a c-couple of friends. Richie, Eddie, Mike, Ben, Beverly, and Stanley." He nods as we get out of the car.

"Bill? Where do you go?" Eddie meets us at the door.

"Hey." Eddie smiles at him. "Richie Tozier. And you are?" "Will...Will Byers." He shakes Richie's hand gently.

"Will?" Ben hugs him quickly. "I haven't seen you in like forever...we grew up together." He smiles at Beverly.

"Here." I grab his bag, taking it to my room.

We all sit down, watching tv, and talking. My arm wraps around Will's waist softly.

"How did you two meet?" "We met when we were like nineteen maybe? And dated until we were like twenty-one." Will answers for me.

"That's cute." Beverly smiles.

I can feel Stanley glaring at me. He's stayed silent this whole time.

Behind the Scenes // Stenbrough {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now