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—Thursday / 2:10 pm

"W-What about Richie?" "Hanging our with Jane." He smiles stepping into the water. "Eddie?" "Out with the others."

"Well." I chuckle swimming up beside him. "It would b-be a good idea to get a p-privacy fence." He waves at the paparazzi.

"Yeah. I think some of the pictures they take are funny." He shrugs dunking my head under.

"M-My contacts." His eyes widen. "I don't wear contacts dummy. I h-have perfect vision." I chuckle as he pushes my shoulder.

"You scared me. Don't do that." He giggles latching onto me. His legs wrap around my waist. "Forgot your dating Will." He giggles getting off and getting onto my back.

"Are you guys okay?" "Y-Yeah...just arguments." I chuckle sadly. "It has to be more than that..." "What do you mean?"

"If I were him...I would want you home. With me." "Oh...yeah." "I would wanna hang out...listen to you talk." He mumbles before going silent.

"Y-Yeah...he doesn't enjoy listening to m-me... he interrupts me. He tries to f-finish my sentences." "That's rude...I enjoy listening to you." He whispers.

"Have you tried speech therapy?" "Yeah...since I was t-twelve." I sigh. "Maybe picking it up again could help? I could help pay-" "'s f-fine. It's gotten b-better." I smile as he stands in front of me.

"You h-have nice eyes." I chuckle. "So do you..." he giggles hugging me gently. His bare chest against mine.

"When Will and I went to hang out. He talked about you a lot. He said he loves you." "Yeah..." "He's really fun to hang out with...maybe I'll call him tomorrow."

"I uh...h-he's sick." He frowns before resting his head on my collarbones.

His phone starts to ring.

S: Hey Will
He giggles

S: Oh Bill

I dry my hands off before grabbing his phone.


W: why the fuck are you with him?

B: B-Because we're hanging out...

W: You need to stay away from him

B: Why? H-He's my friend

W: Because...I still love you Bill

B: W-Well. Sorry but I don't.

W: Baby, please?

B: P-Please don't call me that.

W: Fine... I can see the way you look at him anyways

He hangs up as his voice cracks. "Is everything okay?" "Y-Yeah... too difficult to explain." I chuckle grabbing his hand to pull him back in.

"Also Eddie and the others said they were on their way." He smiles

Behind the Scenes // Stenbrough {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now