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I lay in my bed, staring at my ceiling listening to the drama going on. The tv lighting the darkroom.

'We have semi-sad news about the Bill Denbrough and Stanley Uris tea. Stanley explained on Instagram earlier today:

'Someone I know made up to rumor and we aren't together. I know it's weird that we both opened the door that way and all the pictures might not make sense. We both sleep shirtless. In different rooms also.

And I'm too short to swim where Richie and Bill swim. I've gotten tired really easily on set and rested my head on his shoulders. Hope that cleared some stuff up :)' fans might be disappointed. Most of them still trying to say the two are together by looking at pictures closely. Who knows.'

'In different rooms also.'

A lie.

I switch the channel quickly. One of my movies comes on. Once again I switch the channel. The completely turning it off.

The room falls silent and dark.

My phone buzzes.


S: hi

B: hey

S: wyd

B: laying down and watching tv. Hbu?

S: swimming. I left one of my shirts over there. Can I come to get it tomorrow?

B: sure.

S: okay thanks :)
*read at 8:34 pm*

The fact that he lied infuriates me. I sit up quickly pulling my clothes off and jumping into the shower.

— Third Person Omniscient

"You left fucking bruises on my hips you asshole." Eddie mumbles. "Shouldn't have been that way earlier then." Eddie walks away from the boy, sitting his stuff down on a table.

Yes. They did what you're thinking of.

"Hey, Stan." Richie throws his shirt to the side before jumping in.

"Hi, Richie. What are you guys doing here?" "Got bored." Eddie swims up beside the two.

"Where's Bill?" "At home." He pushes his curls back. "I would expect him to be here." Richie splashes Eddie. "Dipshit," Eddie mumbles before climbing onto a float.

"Nah. He didn't come over today." Richie shrugs before pulling Stanley under.

On the other hand, Bill stands in the shower, his arms crossed tightly as the water runs down his side.

"F-Fucking liar." He mumbles wiping the water away from his face. And there in his line of vision sits Stanley's shirt hanging on the metal pole that keeps his shower curtain up.

"What the fuck!" He picks it up and throws it. "Bill?" "Mike?" Mike opens the bathroom door as Bill peeks his head from the shower. "Are you okay man?" "Yeah." He sighs grabbing the towel.

"Is this-?" "Yes." He mumbles walking past the boy. "What's wrong?" " doesn't m-matter."

"I'm pretty sure it does. Everyone heard you yell." Mike chuckles as Bill's face turns a bright red. "Hey, Bill." Richie chuckles.

Behind the Scenes // Stenbrough {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now