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"Stop touching my food asshole," Eddie grumbles swatting Richie's hand away.

"Can I at least have one of your fries?" We all give him a confused look. "You have perfectly good fries, Richie." "But I want one of his." He frowns.

"If this is what it's like to have a kid then I don't want one." Eddie crosses his arms.

"Imagine having to take care of Bill while he's sick. It's almost as bad." "Hey, I c-couldn't help it. I don't even remember w-what happened because I was half asleep m-most of the time." I chuckle.

"I'm tired," Richie whispers, laying his head on Eddies shoulder. "Well let's go home then." "To your house?" "Sure." Richie smiles gently.

"I'll pay." Ben smiles gently pulling his wallet out. "Are you s-sure?" He nods as we all stand up. "You really are my favorite." I hug him gently.

We stand outside talking and trying to find our cars.

"Richie." Eddie groans. Richie stands behind the boy kissing his neck gently, his hands travel up the boy's shirt slowly. "Mmmm...Not now."

"Are you sure they aren't dating?" "I'm s-sure." "Richie usually fucks people and then leaves them," Stanley whispers, walking past us.

"I'm tired." I yawn. "I'll drive." Will volunteers jumping into the front seat quickly. "Bye Bill." "Bye. See you W-Wednesday." He nods.

"Bill?" Will kisses me gently, waking me up. "Come on. We're home." I nod slowly, kissing him again.

I quickly pull him onto my lap. "I thought you were tired?" "Not really," I smirk kissing him slowly. He giggles. "W-What?" "You sure do get those a lot." "Shit." I chuckle as he climbs out of the car.

"If we do that we'll get caught. Fans will go crazy." He pulls me with him.

"I'd be o-okay to make that sacrifice." I hug him from behind. "I'm ready for bed." He yawns. I kiss his cheek.

"You suck." "Why?" I furrow my brows, genuinely concerned. He says that type of stuff and it could mean anything.

"Just because." I start to remember. He would say that anytime I would chase after him through the house. His giggles like honey.

"Oh, I g-get it." I corner him at the door jabbing him in the sides. "P-Please!" He squeals loudly trying to block my fingers.

"Why?" "B-Because!" "Not a good reason." I smile. "Because...I'll kiss you?" I stop. "What else?" He tilts his head as he begins to think.

"Cuddles?" "What else?" I begin to quiz him, just to see what he'll come up with.

"Sit on your lap?" I raise my brows unlocking the door quickly.

Wc: 448
^ I volunteer Bill. I might be heavy but I still volunteer 😂

Behind the Scenes // Stenbrough {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now