Just Another School Year

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It was early September and everything was quiet, when suddenly a gentle voice shouted:"Kids, let's go. You don't want to be late for the train."
Kids came running down the stairs with their bags trying to outrun eachother.
"Here we are, mom", a small twelveyearold boy with short brown curly hair and freckles on his cheeks came down first. After him his 4 other siblings came down. One girl had her  small twoyearold brother in her hands. She handed him to his mother.
"Now, where is your father? I hope he isn't working again", woman said.
"I don't know mom, but we better hurry up. Tom is waiting for me at the station," the girl said. She was tall and thin. Her hair was curly like her mother's, but platinum blond like her father's. Her eyes were greyish.
"Lyria honney, you're right. T.J. go and find your father and tell him he has exactly one minute to come here or he will be sleeping on the couch". The twelveyearold ran as fast as he could to his father's office where a platinum blond man with grey eyes was talking on the phone with someone. As soon as he saw his son peeking he hung up. "Is it that late?", he asked.
"Mom said that if you aren't downstairs in a minute, you will be sleeping on the couch."
"Well than I better hurry." He took his son in his arms and apparated downstairs where his whole family was waiting for him. He than waved his wand and apparated them to the King Cross Station. It was 10 minutes to 11. They were just on time.
"Draco", someone yelled from behind.
"Blaise, good to see you mate". Draco hugged his best friend as he arrived with his wife and 3 kids. "Can you belive our oldest are going on their last Hogwarts adventure?"
"No, he can't", his wife said. "Blaise, good to see you."
"Hermione, likewise".
Lyria was already kissing her boyfriend Tom Zabini. She haven't seen him for a month so there was no time to waste.
"Well, aren't you two cute, but the train is leaving soon so you better get on the platform 9 and 3/4 first", Pansy Zabini said.
Everyone hurried to pass through the wall onto the platfrom. It was full of kids and their parents. Kids were boarding the train as they waved goodbye to their parents. Hermione was carrying her youngest son Bradley, who was just 2 as she saw a smilling redheaded woman aproaching her.
"Ginny, how are you?"
"Same old, same old. I see the whole family is here", she smilled at Bradley.
"Well you know me. No one is left behind. Is Harry with you? I would like to ask him something work related." Hermione was now the head editor of the Daily Prophet.
"No, sorry. He had to deal with some auror business."
Then, the train started making noise and someone yelled:"all aboard!"
Twins, Cameron and Brianna, two 16-yearolds, both mischievous Slytherins came running to their mother each giving her a kiss on a cheek before boarding the train. Little T.J. also Slytherin and a prankster hugged his mother and ran after his siblings. Lyria just waved at her mother and boarded the train. Hermione just shouted after them: "I love you kids. Be good and don't forget to send me letters."
After their kids left, the Malfoy couple went back home, prepearing everything for the game night. Game night was a tradition they had with their friends. Everytime their kids left for Hogwarts, the adults would gather at the Malfoy Manor for the game night.
"Draco, honey, did we forget something?, Hermione asked her husband.
"I think no. We have 2 kids here with us, 4 are at school. What else could we possibly need?, Draco said calmly.
"I know, but I was thinking for the game night. Do we have enough drinks?"
"I think we have."
"What drinks?", a small blond girl with hazel eyes asked. "Are they for my 8th birthday party?
Hermione laughed."No honey, they are for us. We'll go to buy drinks for your party tomorrow, ok Rosalie?
Rosalie nodded.
The game night was just about to start, when the doorbell rang. Draco went to open the doors. Blaise and Pansy walked in carrying a bottle of wine.
"We thought it would be best to bring some wine, since we didn't have enough last time", Pansy said.
"We are just waiting for Theo. He is always late", Draco said.
Soon the doorbell rang again. Draco opened the door and Theo just rushed in saying: "sorry I know, I'm late again."
Theo was single and since Harry and Draco still had bad blood between eachother and wasn't welcome at the Manor, Ginny was his partner. They played drinking games such as never have I ever and spin the bottle. Laughing drunkly and doing the dares or telling stories. Those nights were some of the best nigjts in the whole year.
"Truth or Dare?", Pansy asked Hermione.
"Well this time truth because I'm too drunk to stand."
" I know. I would like to hear the story of your first date and how you fell in love. I don't know why, but I still haven't heard everything.
"Well, it was 17 years ago when we bumped into eachother at the cinemas. We met that same week at the Diagon Alley to catch up and I liked talking with Draco so much. I couldn't believe that I liked to be alone with Draco Malfoy. He had changed from his Hogwarts days and I saw some good in him. He than asked me out on a proper date and I was so happy that I screamed yes. I couldn't believe I was falling for him. After a few dates and to much drinks we spent an amazing night together. A week later I found out I was pregnant with Lyria. And I was just 20. So when I told Draco he was going to be a father, he was shooked, but in a good way. We than started building our relationship and I knew I was madly in love with him. So a year after Lyria was born he proposed to me. He took me to the place we had spent our first night together and proposed. It was magical, under the stars. The rest I think you know. We got married and 6 months later Cameron and Brianna war with us."
"I like that story. Why haven't I heard it before?"
"I don't actually know. I had thought that everybody in this room knew."
"Enough about us", Draco said,"who's next? Blaise, truth or dare?"
"Dare, of course!"
"Sing Pansy an improvised song".
As Blaise started singing, everyone started laughing. Draco knew he couldn't sing and he was drunk so it sounded even funnier.
After nearly 4 hours they were playing, everybody just went home and Hermione stayed with her husband.
"So now that everyone's gone and kids are asleep and I'm super drunk what do you say we go to the bedroom and have a little fun?" Hermione asked.
Draco raised his eyebrow and started kissing his wife. She giggled and he raised her in his arms and carried her to their king sized bed. They layed down and started kissing passionately. His lips started moving from her lips to her neck and moved down as he started  removing her clothes. She whispered:   "Nox" and as the lights turned off, the night for the couple only got better.

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