Eye For An Eye

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Hermione layed in the dark. She lost the track of time. It seemed like she has been there for months. Bellatrix's minions were coming in her dungeon to give her something to eat, just so she wouldn't die. It seemed like they needed her alive for something, but the food was awful. She had to make herself eat it for her family. The doors of her cell opened again, letting a weak light in. Bellatrix came in with a big grin on her face.
"How is our guest today?", she asked Hermione.
"How can I be in this chains?", she said showing chains around her hands and legs.
Bellatrix laughed.
"It seems we are back where we are 20 years ago. You and me.", Bellatrix said.
"Why? Why me?", Hermione cried.
"Oh, dear. As I already said. We have unfinished business. You thought I was done with you, when I left you laying on the floor in the manor. Oh no, dear. I was just warming up". She laughed.
"But how is it possible you are here?"
"Oh, my dear niece in law. I was never there, in Azkaban. You thought I would let myself be locked up in there, again? Oh no."
"I knew it something strange was going on in there"
"And that is another reason you are here. You were to close to finding my secret out. But don't worry, I'll tell you. After all we are family."
"We aren't family and we would never be one."
"That's where you are wrong. You see my plan started 25 years ago."
"Your plan?"
"Yes my plan. You thought I would blindly follow that noseless halfblood. Oh no. That is where all of you were wrong"
"First you didn't die, then you aren't in Azkaban and now you aren't Voldemort's minion. "
"You see, there it is. You are catching up. So I made myself a son. He is 25 and unfortunately a halfblood."
"A son, a halfblood?"
"Yes you stupid, a halfblood. He had to be a certain man's son so my plan could work. It was a necessary sacrifice. You see I'm an animagus. After Sirius Black so easy escaped from Azkaban as a wolf, I thought, hey why not. Just in case. Maybe I'm not a wolf, but I'm something much better, easier to escape unseen." She turned into a rat.
"So that's how you escaped",Hermione said puting pieces together.
Bellatrix turned back into her human self. "Yes, and I wasn't the only one. Every one of my deatheaters is an animagus. But they turn into mice, cochroaches or flies. Something like that."
"But how did everyone think you were still in there?"
"Oh there is where my son comes into play. You see he works there so he can use magic. He found some manicans he turned into us. Clever, right?"
"Very clever, actually"
"Well, here comes the best part. He knows you so he took some of your hair and we made a polyjuice potions so I could pose as you. You did it 20 years ago when you broke into my vault and took my treasure. I thought it was time I get you back for that, so I broke into your home and took your tresure. Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth."
"My daughter and goddaughter don't have anything to do with what happened 20 years ago. They are just kids."
"Kids or not, they are your treasure dear. If I haven't taken them, you wouldn't have come. Now, you see, you are here so you and your friends wouldn't stop me. They may be famous, but they are stupid. Without you, they are nothing. You have been here for 2 months and they still haven't found you. But enough about you, let's get back to me. So, this world you call new, isn't going to look like that for a long. I have gathered all of the remaining deatheaters, I got dark giants and black dwarfs and my son and I are going to turn this world upside down. It is going to be a new golden era, but without a golden trio to save the day. Your dear redheaded friend is far far away from here to stop it, and your famous friend doesn't have the wits to stop me. When he puts the pieces together it will aready be ower. Me and my son will rule."
"Nice plan, truly, but who is that son of yours when you say he knows me, because I don't know him"
"Oh, I said to you we were family, haven't I, dear stepdaughter?"
"Stepdaughter? Wait, SKYLAR?!"
"Nice to see you again, big sis", Skylar came from behind Bellatrix and kissed his mom on the cheek.
"You foul loathsome evil little cockroach! I shouldn't have trusted you. I knew something wasn't right with the way you showed up."
"If you knew, then why the bloody hell did you let me in your house to meet your friends and family. It was a very stupid move, but hey, thank you. Without you, we wouldn't be here."
"Well, that would be all, dear stepdaughter. We have Wizarding world waiting for us to take over. My Dark crown is waiting"
"Very original, stepmother", Hermione said sarcasticly. "Dark Lady and Lord?"
"Oh no, I'm above the title of a Lady. I'm going to be your new Dark Queen and your brother here" she pointed Skylar," is going to be my Dark Prince"
"Now, excuse us, we have Ministry to take down. Feel free to say goodbye to the world you once knew, because when we are done with it, it is going to be magnificent and better." Skylar said and they both went out, closing the door and leaving a week Hermione in the dark again.
"2 months? Draco where are you?", she asked herself quietly looking worried in the darkness around her.

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