Everything Is Ruined

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Hermione was furious. She was standing in her own living room shooting arrows at her stepbrother who just ruined her christmas party. She looked at her mother who couldn't stop crying and screemnig at her father who was in an uncomfortable position.
"You told him in front of her, didn't you? How could you? I told you not to!", she started yelling at him. "You ruined everything. I should've listened to my family when they said you weren't ready to meet everyone."
Skylar just stood there looking one moment at her one moment at his father.
"You just embarassed me and my family. This party was supposed to be a chance for you to blend in and get to know everyone and so we could get to know you, but no, you had to go there and tell everyone who you are!" Hermione was devestated. She put in so much work into this party, bur she ruined it by inviting Skylar. She balmed her self. Draco came to comfort her.
"Dear, it's alright. It's not your fault. Skylar is to blame", he whispered in her ear while hugging her and going with his hand through her curly brown hair. Her hazel brown eyes were full of tears. She looked at everyone looking at her and all her family drama. They ruined Christmas for everyone.
"Draco, I can't take it anymore. I tried to make it perfect, but I messed up. It's all my fault", she sobbed.
"Come on, let's go outside and catch some fresh air", he took her by the hand and they went outside.
"I think you did enough, Skylar", Lyria said crossing her arms on her chest. She had a furious face expression. Her greyish eyes spit fire. "I think it would be best if you left."
"No, I think I'll stay", he said looking at her who was usually taller than him, but now was much taller in her highheels. He looled at the platinum blond haired girl shooting lasers from her eyes.
"I think you won't. Please go before ypu make another scene."
"Who are you little girl to tell me what to do? You are just a kid. You are my niece. You should be listening to me"
"I don't think so, little man. And you are not my uncle. My mother is an only child. You are just some guy who showed out of the blue claiming you are her stepbrother, but who knows who you actually are, so please get out of my house", she looked down at him.
"No", he stood there in the middle of the room like a statue. He wouldn't move.
"Leave or our father will kick your sorry ass", Cameron came and stood beside his older sister on one side, while his twin stood next to Lyria on the other side.
Skylar looked at them. The three oldest Malfoy siblings were standing in front of him trying to kick him out, but he didn't finish his bussiness here. The only thing was he wasn't happy about confronting an angry Draco.
"Fine, but this isn't over, dad!", he yelled over his shoulder to mr. Granger who wasn't even paying attention to him and Skylar left.
After a few minutes Hermione and Draco came back. She looked across the room trying to find Skylar, but he wasn't there.
"Lyria, where is Skylar?"
"I kicked him out. He was trying to make more mess by arguing with me. He didn't want to leave so Cam and Bri helped me kick him out."
"Thank you honey. It was best that he had left." She then came over to her parents. "Mum, dad I'm sorry, but I think no one here deserves to hear about our drama. We have ruined the holiday for them enough already. Can you please leave and sort this out at home. I love you, but I think it's for the best."
Mr. Granger looked at his daughter. He nodded, kissed her forhead and tryied to take his wife by her hand, but he shrugged his hand off of her, hugged Hermione and walked out of the house followed by her husband.
When Grangers have left, the party was awkward. Nobody danced, nobody drank, everybody was still looking at Hermione like she was the elephant in the room. She went putside, followed by her two best friends Pansy and Ginny. She was tired of everything. She had to get out. Draco knew what he had to do to make everyone happy again.
"T.J. come!" he called his son. The small 14yearold with short and curly brown hair came running towards his father.
"Yes, dad. What's up?", he asked Draco.
"How would you like to make this party started again?"
"I'm listening."
"I hear you have been feeling lonely at Hogwarts this year. How about a big prank to make up for all the pranks you didn't do this year?"
T.J.'s hazel eyes sparkled with mischief. He ran away grabbing Albus, his twin siblings and Angela, all his fellow Slytherins and went upstairs in his room.
Meanwhile Draco, Theo and Blaise took a chance to get wasted so they drank and drank until they were so drunk they rambled. They started talking funny and walking all across the living room bumping into everybody and telling them silly things. Evetybody started laughing again. The party was still alive, barely but alive. It was almost midnight and everyone rushed outside to see the fireworks Malfoys always fired at midnight on Christmas Day. Since Draco and his best friends were dead wasted, Harry had to make sure the party goes as scheduled. He put his wand out to light up the fireworks, but when they exploaded in the air, colour started splashing them. T.J. and the rest of the kids who were in on the prank started laughing. Hermione who was still sitting in the garden with her friends was fully splashed. She had random colours all over her.
"Taylor James Malfoy!," she yelled.
T.J. was scared his mom would ground him because he ruined her party.
She came to him looking angry, but out of the blue she started laughing. She took her wand out and spashed a wave of red colour in her son's face. Then everyone took their wands out and started splashing each other with the waves of paint.
"Mummy, can I try?", Rosalie walked over to Hermione. Since she and the younger kids still didn't have their wands they were unable to participate in the paint fight.
"Of course honey. Here." She bent down, gave her daughter her wand, put her hands on the wand to and asked Rosalie: " So what colour should we spalsh your father with?"
"Pink!", Rosalie yelled.
Hermione laughed and said a charm and out of the wand the two of them were holding, burst out a wave of pink and hit drunk Draco who was trying to say spells right, but he was to drunk to say it without rambeling. He got hit by the splash of pink and fell on the ground laughing. Everyone was laughing and they forgot about all the drama that happened earlier that evening.

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