Granger Family Drama

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Another Christmas was around the corner. All Malfoy kids were at home except T.J. who will be coming home at the end of the week. Malfoys had to make everything ready for their annual christmas party. Hermione hated last minute preparations so she had to make everything ready at least a week earlier. Cameron flew in from the States earlier to help his family. Brianna desided to show up after 3 months she hasn't seen her family. It was dinner time and the Malfoys were talking about their year, plans and the upcoming party.
"So, Bri, tell us, where have you been hiding all this time?", Lyria asked her sister.
"Oh, you know, I was here and there", Brianna answered and took another portion of her favourite meal - roasted beef with cranberry sauce and baked potatoes.
"Bri, honey, I would like to hear where you were. You didn't write at all", Hermione said.
"Mum, honestly I don't even know where I was. I was just apparating myself on the random places. I forgot to write."
"Dear, what we all would just ask from you is to write to us. We would feel better knowing you are doing fine. Write us at least once a month", Draco said.
"Fine, dad. I'll write, but don't expect the letters to be long", she agreed and drank a glass of water.
"Well, sis. You really don't have anything interesting to share with us?", Cameron asked.
" Sorry. Maybe I'll remember to put something in the letters so you stop asking", she told her twin.
"Alright then, Cam, how about you son, how is in the States?", Draco asked.
"It is very interesting. I actually would like to finish my studies there, if it is ok with you. The campus is huge and there are some wizards there too. I think Amber is going to like it there, too. She said she is going on a college not so far away from mine so I think everything will work out just fine. Maybe you guys could come visit some time."
"Son, that's great. I knew you would enyoj the Angeles. When I was there, it was a great way for me to explore my options, have fun and forget about my mother passing away. You know what. I think your mother, Lyria, Rosalie, Bradley and I could come visit you soon. I'll have to travel to Vegas to see how the hotel is coming up and we could make a stop at our hotel in Angeles and visit you."
"Draco, I think it's a great idea", Hermione said.
"I don't know if I could come and visit Cam", Lyria said.
"Nonsence. You are coming. You are still working for your father as a secretary and you have mada a deal with him to acompany me on my case so you are going", Hermione said. "Now, I think we should discuss the christmas party. I think Skylar should be invited too."
"Hm...I don't know honey. I'm not sure I trust him enough yet to let him in my house and introduce him to my family",Draco said.
"Mum, if I may say I agree with dad. I think it is too early", Lyria said.
"I think there will be no harm done if he comes. There will be a lot of people so I think we have nothing to worry about. If he is smart enough, he won't try to make a scene. Besides it would be a great opportunity to get to know him better", Hermione stated.
"If you say so", Draco said.
On the night of the party, everybody came. Everything was bright and joyful. Hermione knew how to make a great party. Ron wasn't invited, but Lavander and her kids came. Hermione's parents were there too. They wouldn't miss the chance to hang around the wizards for anything. Skylar was invited, but he showed up late.
"You're late little brother", Hermione said hugging her brother on the doorstep in her long purple dress with sleeces from lace.
"Sorry, sis. Something came up, but thanks for inviting me"
"My parents are here so please behave and don't make a scene. My mum doesn't know about that one night my father had, and he doesn't know about you. Just try to blend in, alright?", Hermione warned him.
"Right, boss", he said and went to the living room where the drinks were.
As he walked towards the punch bowl, he noticed a tall greyhaired men with glasses who was playing with a little brownhaired boy with grey eyes and freckles on his cheeks. He must have been his youngest nephew Bradley and that man was his father. Skylar heard his sister's warning in his head, but he had to get to know his father.
"Excuse me, are you mr. Granger?", he approached the man.
"Yes, young man. And you are?"
"I'm Skylar. I'm your son."
"I'm sorry boy, but I have only a daughter. She is the host of the party."
"I know. She is my big sister. She is the one who invited me."
"How old are you son?"
"What's going on? Who is this fine young man here?", Hermione's mother came.
"Oh, no one dear. This young man is confused. Can you believe him? He thinks I'm his father", Hermione'sdad started laughing.
Skylar couldn't take that his father is laughing at him calling him a liar. He got angry and yelled: "I am your son. 25 years ago you had a drunken one night stand with a witch, my mother who you made pregnant."
"Is this true?", Hermione's mother asked.
Mr. Granger was speechless. He remembered the night. It was all a blur but he could remember waking up in bed with a woman who wasn't his wife.
"I'll take it as a yes. How could you cheet on me and lie about that for 25 years?! You call your own bastard son a liar when clearly the liar are you!", she started yelling.
Everyone was looking at them. They haven't even noticed the music went off.
Hermione came asking:" What's going on here? Skylar, what have you done?", she saw her mother crying and her father trying to explain something to her, while Skylar was just standing there looking at them.

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