Brianna In Trouble. Again

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Brianna was a sneeky kid. She always knew how to make trouble without getting caught. In fact, she always blamed others. T.J. was the most trouble in the family. He made mess everywhere he went, Cameron helped him always, but as he got older, he knew when to end making trouble. He still pranks his family, but only at home,  because his girlfriend isn't happy with him always getting in detention.
She seemed like a smaller trouble than she actually is. It was all just a front.
When she was in her first year, in Charms class, she took feathers from her classmate who was always losing  things. She blamed him and his incompetance to keep even one thing, without loosing it. She ashamed him in front of everyone.
On her second year, she found a way to make the most boring class-Herbology end quicker. She changed a clock to move faster so the class got finished in 20 instead of 45 minutes. The proffesor didn't even notice how fast the time went by.
On her fourth year she freed a boggart in her Defence Agaisnt The Dark Arts class. She blaimed her competition, another Slytherin girl who could make everyone's life miserable with the amount of pranks and mocking.
On her sixth year, she slipped a wrong ingredient in a Gryffindor's kettle so it exploaded.
In her last week of Hogwarts in life, she found a way to get in trouble. She barely passed her exams, but she passed which was enough for her to celebrate in her style. As a kid of a muggleborn, she knew a lot about muggle technology so she smuggled a projector in school on the beggining of the year waiting for the oportunity to use it. The moment finally came in her History of Magic class where they now, after the exams just lisened to boring old stories about the Second Wizarding War they had heard a thousand times from their parents. She wanted to make her last classes more fun so she uploaded some funny embarrasing pictures of her teachers and started showing them with the projector that was hidden in her bag. The class started laughing as the picture of their History of Magic teacher was shown trying to cast a spell, when he was in fact a ghost who couldn't cast spells so he was in fact playing with somebody's wand.
"What's so funny? The war isn't funny, kids. You should know that better than anyone since your parents got hurt during it."
Students wouldn't stop laughing when Brianna changed the picture to show their Herbology teacher with a finger in  her nose while the big christmas dinner was taking place in the Great Hall.
The teacher turned around to see more embarrasing pictures of himself as well as his coleeges.
"Who is doing this? What is this? How are you doing this?"
Class couldn't stop laughing. The pictures were so funny that one student fell on the floor.
"Oh, this must be something we WIZARDS don't have, so it must be muggle made. Let's see. Who here is muggleborn or a halfblood?", he looked across the class. He started passing through the tables when he stopped at Brianna's. "Miss Malfoy, I should have known you would be smart enough to learn all about their technoloy from your mother only to make fun of us."
"I'm sorry sir, but I had to make this class mor interesting. I just made you more interesting. Don't worry, you don't have to thank me. It was a curtosy of my last week here."
"I see you think you are funny girl, but let me remind you that you barely passed your exams. It won't be weird if we made you take them again, since you are so good with that technology. It wouldn't be strange to know you maybe cheated."
Brianna looked at him. She couldn't believe he would make her take the exams again.
"Not so.funny now? Since it is your last week it doesn't make any sense that I get you detention or your house loses points, so I'm going to send you to the headmistress' office."
Brianna went for McGonagall's office, but in front of her office, Percy Weasley was waiting.
"Vice principal Weasley, I'm here to talk to the headmistress."
"Sorry to dissapoint. She is absent so you'll have to deal with me."
"Oh, great", she said sarcasticly.
When she got into his office, she couldn't hide her smile when she saw his still green table from two weeks ago, when her brother T.J. destroyed his office.
"It was a curtosy of your brother to remind me to watch out on him better. Now, your mother should be here any minute"
"You called my mother?! Shit"
"Young lady, watch your language."
They set in silence for a few minutes, until someone knocked on the door.
Hermione came in with a surprise in her eyes. She looked at Brianna asking herself why is Brianna here.
"Percy, nice to see you. How are you?"
"Hermione, I'm glad you came and not your husband. He gets on my nerves."
"Oh, I know. He isn't used to dealing with school stuff. So why am I here?"
"Well, your daughter here thought it was funny fo make Second Wizarding War funnier so she used one of the muggle technology things. She showed her fellow students pictures of my coleeges in embarrasing situations."
"There were pictures of you too," Brianna commented quietly.
Hermione looked at her daughter. She was angry that Brianna let herself get in trouble her last week at Hogwarts.
"So, vice principal Weasley,  what is the sentence for the young lady here?", Hermione said to Percy and he smilled hearing his status name said with so much awe in her voice.
"I'm going to let her finish her last week, but I'm going to ask you to pick all of her stuff up, except her uniform in case she had any more ideas"
"Thank you, vice principal Weasley. I'll do it right away." She shook his hand and walked out of his office with Brianna behind her.
"Mum, are you mad?"
"I am. But I have more things on my mind without you making any more mess. Rosalie celebrates her 10th birthday in two weeks and Bradley's forth is in four. Besides organising all of that, I have to deal with T.J. who is grounded until the next school year starts and my case. And Lyria and your dad are dealing with something at Corporation so I don't have time for this. Now where are your things?"
Brianna led her to her room. Hermione just waved her wand collecting every piece of Brianna's clothes that isn't uniform, muggle technology she smuggled in and her pranking kit.
"Now, I'm going home with all of this and I don't want to hear from vice principal this school year anymore."
Hermione kissed Brianna on her forhead and went home.

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