Caught Red Handed

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Since their meeting passed a month and Hermione and Lavander became friends on a misssion. They still sent letters to one another, but in secret. One sunny Saturday, Hermione woke up earlier expecting Lavander's letter while Draco was still sleeping. They sent letters every saturday by a different owl. This time it was a big grey owl. Hermione took the letter and fed the bird.
"My dear friend,
Thank you so much for your muggle wisdom and their inventions. It finally worked. I caught him yesterday screeming at me because I wasn't in the mood. He didn't even know how this funny things look like so he didn't even notice it was above our bed. Sometimes I ask myself why did I even marry this idiot. I hope you'll have an opotunity soon to get him off of your back.
Love, your friend"
They didn't use names in case if somebody like Draco reads it. Hermione was happy her new friend did it, but she still had to do it herself. She called Lyria on work, but Draco answered.
"Oh, honey. Is Lyria with you?",she asked her husband.
"No, dear. She had to take some papers for me and deliver them. Can I help you?", he asked her over the phone.
"It is girl trouble. I don't think it would interest you",she laughed over the phone.
"Well alright then. I'll come home later. Blaise and I are going to watch a quidditch match in the bar together."
"Alright. Have fun. I love you. And please say Lyria I need her"
"I love you to. Oh, wait. She is already here. I swear our little girl is the best employee I have ever had", he said and called Lyria.
"Hi mom, what's up?"
"Lavander got him on camera. It is my turn. Have any idea?",she asked her daughter.
"Wait a second", Lyria told her. "Dad may I take the rest of the day to help mom with this?" He nodded in approval. "I'm coming home now and I'll tell you what are we going to do. Until I get there, send him a letter saying you want to meet with him in an hour at the Kings Cross Station. Don't ask. I'll explain",and she hung up.
When she got home she explained Hermione the plan: they meet at the station where are a lot of muggles so her camera will fit in and he won't notice Lyria fillming him.
When they got on the station only a few minutes earlier, mother and daughter hugged and Lyria went to hide with her camera while Hermione waited for him.
She saw his messy read hair. He was walking slowly towards her with his hands in his pockets and a grin on his face. He was looking around suspiciously.
"So, you wanted to talk?", he asked raising his eyebrow.
"Talk. Nothing else. I found this was the safest place for me to do it."
"Do what?"
"I didn't have that in mind. I wanted to let you know that this is the last time we talk."
"Well, we can do something else than",he let his guard down and touched his lips.
"No. If you even try, it won't end well."
"Why not? I don't bite. Well, maybe a little-your lips" he leaned foward and tried to kiss her.
She reacted by slapping him. It gor him even more excited so he grabbed her face with his big rough hands and kissed her hard. She slapped him even harder witch made him more agressive. He grabbed her and pushed her on the wall. He put his hands on each side of her so she couldn't escape and he pushed himself even harder on her while she tried to look away. She noticed a small red firework on her left behind the wall where Lyria was hiding knowing she caught him. She punched him in his face. Took her wand and apparated.
The next day Lavander and Hermione were already at court showing their evidences to the judge. He asked for Ron to show up immediately. When he came in the court room and saw the two of them on the same side together, he was shocked.
"What is this all about?", he asked.
"Mr. Weasley you are here today on the charges of molesting this two women",the judge said calmly.
"What are you talking about?!",he raised his voice. "I'd never hurt my wife and I don't even talk with my ex",Ron explainedto the judge.
"I beg to differ",the judge said and showed him the evidence.
"I have to ask you to sign this divorce papers and move away from London or anywhere near this two women. You got the restraining order",the judge explained him and got him out of the court room. The trial was over. They have won.
When Hermione got home, the first thing she did was try and find Draco. She remembered he will come home later, but she hoped he will already be home. Her wish came true and he was sitting on the couch in the living room watching the TV with Bradley in his lap and Rosalie next to him. He had his arm around her. She ran straight towards him and kissed him happily.
"Hm..what was that for?",she asked her and put Bradley next to him.
"I have to tell you something."
"Let's go to my office",they headed towards his home office.
"So what was so important?",he asked her.
"Ron won't disturb us anymore. I got a restraining order against him. As did my new friend Lavander who divorced him",she kissed him again.
"What? How?",he was confused.
She explained him about the letters and how Lyria helped her. At first he didn't understand why she didn't involve him in her plan, but he understood that he couldn't have handeled it after some time. He was just satisfied he didn't have to see his pathetic face ever again.

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