I Knew He Was Trouble

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Malfoy siblings showed up at the Ministry of Magic. Lyria was carrying Bradley and Brianna was holding Rosalie by her hand as they ran towards the aurors department. They didn't even knock, but they bursted into Harry's office.
"Lyria, you said you had something about your mother", Harry stood up from his chair.
"Harry, look", she put pictures on his desk.
"What am I looking at exactly?"
"Here", Rosalie walked over to his desk where pictures were and showed him the first one with Skylar and Hermione hugged. "Look here, see this reflection? Looks familiar, doesn't it?"
"That's right. Now look here. This was shot when Lyria was helping mum get Ron of of her back. Look in the background."
"There is Skylar sitting with some woman."
"Bravo, Potter."
"Rosalie", Lyria said glaring.
"Sorry, Harry. Look at the table. The wand. It is one of a kind and I know only one person with such a wand."
"Wow, little Malfoy, you are a replica of your mother. You solved it. Skylar is behind it". At that moment Draco showed up looking at his kids and Harry.
"Draco, you have one hell of the kids. They just solved the case. Skylar is behind it."
"Well, these two are like their mother", he pointed at Rosalie and Lyria, "this one is more like me", he hugged Brianna." But wait, Skylar?! I knew he was trouble. But how?"
"It was all in pictures. Rosalie cracked it", Lyria told him. Rosalie smilled proudly. "Bit we still don't know what his conection to Bellatrix is and why he did that"
"I don't care. We have to move. Barry, get your aurors. I know where he might be hiding her.", Draco said.
"Where? And how do you know that?"
"I'm a Malfoy after all. I had him followed, genious. I never trusted him. Here, his address. He lives in some dusty old house near your cousin's"
"Private drive? Really? I haven't been there in years", Harry said remembering his childhood.
"Less talking, more moving. Harry, is Ginny home?"
"No she is on tour with her Quidditch team and the kids are at Lavander's new place. Why?", Harry asked.
"Could you tell me where that is? I would like to leave Bradley and Rosalie there until we get back."
"But dad, I want to go to. I cracked the case!", Rosalie exclaimed.
"Rosalie honey, I'm sorry, but you are to young. Someone has to keep Bradley company and Lilly will be there."
"Fine, but I expect you to come for me as soon as you find mum", she ordered with her Malfoy signature tone. Draco laughed and kissed her and Bradley.
"Here", Harry handed him Lavander's address.
"Thanks. Meet me there. Don't go in without me." As he said that, he apparated with Rosalie and Bradley.
"It seems like you two are coming with me then," Harry said to Brianna and Lyria.
"Let's go. We don't have time to waste!", Brianna said as she stepped out of Harry's office.
"Wait, Bri. The aurors", Lyria stopped her.
"Right. Well Mr. Harry?", Brianna looked at Harry.
"They are meeting us there. Let's go" and the three of them apparated.
When they got to the Private drive, Harry felt weird.
"What is it?", Lyria asked him.
"Bad memories, I guess", he answered and they moved along tbe street. When they got at the end of the street, they saw a group of aurors in their uniforms and their blond haired father waiting anxiously.
"Where have you been?", Draco asked.
"Took a detour. Sorry", Harry answered.
They looked at the house. It was small and painted yellow, but the colour has already faded since the house was pretty old. Windows were all closed, but those on the second floor were broken. It was quiet.
"Creepy.", Brianna shivered.
"How can anyone live here?", Lyria said disgusted.
"I think he doesn't live here. I think it is just some kind of meeting point for them", Harry said.
"I think you are right. My private detective, found out Skylar lived at some fancy penthouse, but when he followed him, he showed up here very often so I presume this is where they are holding her", Draco said.
Harry went in first to see if everything is clear. He didn't hear anything. Inside was dark and it smelled as someone has dyed in there. It wasn't a good sign. He whispered "Lumos" and a weak stike of light shined. It seemed empty so he signalised Draco and others to come in. They were looking around staying quiet.
"It's disgusting", Brianna said.
"Shhh!", everyone hissed at her.
"Sorry", she whispered.
They made their way through the hallway when they split up. One group of aurors went on the west side of the house, one group went upstairs on the secon floor and Draco, his daughters and Harry went to the east side of the house. The living room and the kitchen were empty, but they stumbled upon a door in the floor. They looked at each other and tryed to open them carefully. They were locked, so they tried to open them with a spell. Lyria said: "Alohomora", but nothing happened. It seemed like they were protected by some kind of spell. Then they heard someone apparating in front of the house. Two deatheaters came in and made their way to the east side of the house. The group hid casting an invisibility spell on themselves. The deatheaters whispered some spell and the floor door opened. They went down some stairs in what seemed to be a celler. Harry stoped the door from closing and the group went following the two deatheaters. They heard them talking to someone "Here, your food. I hope you've been good while we have been out. Your brother wouldn't want to hear you escaped us while we were out" They heard deatheaters laughing. Then a weak voice said quietly "You two are still dumb idiots you were at school while my husband was still hanging out with you. Food was always more important" "Shut up", one of them said. "You are not a golden girl here anymore. You are more like a filthy girl", the other one said laughing. The group was certain it was Hermione. And the two deatheaters must have been Crabbe and Goyle. Draco cast a spell sending the two deatheaters flying and hitting the wall of Hermione's cell.
"Who's there", Hermione asked weakly.
"It's me, dear", Draco said and made himself visible again.
"Draco", she cried, stood up from the floor she was laying on, and ran towards the door of her cell. She pulled her hands through the bars and put her hands in Draco's.
"I missed you", he said looking at her all weak and full of dirt.
"Mum!", Brianna exclaimed, made herself visable and ran towards Hermione.
Hermione looked at Draco. "You took the kids with?"
"No, not the kids", Lyria came out of the dark. "Just the two of us"
Hermione smilled weakly seeing her two oldest daughters and husband.
"We don't have time for reunion", Harry said.
"Harry? You two came together?", she asked looking at Draco.
"Long story, dear", Draco said. "We have to get you out of here, before they get up"
"It is spelled. You have to get one of their wands to open it", Hermione said.
Harry walked over, took Crabbe's wand and said "Alohomora"
Nothing happened.
"No, not that simple spell.", Hermione said.
"Oh", Harry said thinking of another spell to open the door. He said something, waved his wand and the doors opened. Hermione fell into Draco's arms exhausted.
"Let's go. They are waking up", Lyria said.
"We have to apparate outside.", Hermione said. Draco carryied her in his arms, Lyria and Brianna went in front of him and Harry behind in case Crabbe and Goyle wake up. They met outside with other aurors and apparated away.

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