A Christmas Party

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One week before heading home for family Christmas party, kids were celebrating Christmas in form of party at Hogwarts. The Great Hall was decorated with christmas decorations in colours of the houses. Above each table were decorations in its house's colours. Above Slytherin table were sparkly green balls with silver stripes. Even lights were shining gentle green luminance. Tables were full with food like turkey, pastries and all sorts of salads and there were drinks like punch. The ceiling was enchanted to showcase snowflakes falling. Music was light and delicate so it doesn't ruin the Christmas atmosphere. The real party is going to start when everyone finishes with their meals. Then they will head to their common rooms to dress up and meet again at the great hall. The hall will be empty. There will be tables at sides with drinks and snacks. Music will be more festive and dancy and lights will shine brighter. Lyria was already finished with her meal so she headed to Ravenclaw dorms to change her rope into shiny royal blue long dress. Her boyfriend Tom Zabini, who was also Ravenclaw will be waiting for her in his  pelerine with blue shade. Along him will be his also Ravenclaw 15-yearold sister Amber in her sky blue dress. When she met with them she kissed her boyfriend and hugged Amber. They were ready. When they came into the great hall it was completely trasformed. Everything was much brighter and more festive. She saw her siblings in their Slytherin outfits. Brianna, one of the twins was wearing her silver dress with greenish sparkles. Alongside her was her twin brother Cameron who was wearing a simple green pelerine. 12-yearold T.J. was fooling around with his classmates in his green t-shirt and a pair of jeans.
"Taylor James Malfoy!", she yelled across the hall. "What on Earth are you wearing?! Where is your pelerine? This is not some stupid party. It's actually a ball."
T.J. looked at her, smirked and moved on with his fooling around. He didn't care about what he was wearing. He thought pelerines were stupid and looked silly. He prefered tuxedos, but no one wore them at Hogwarts, so he found the alternative.
"Lyria, give him a rest. He's just a kid. After all he will have to dress up for your family's party if he wants to live', Tom smilled at her and gave her a kiss on her cheek.
"I know Tom. Dad would be furious if he knew how T.J. dressed here", she said. "Where is Angela? I haven't seen her at all", Lyria asked.
"Well you know my twin sister. Always somewhere she shouldn't be. I think she is snooping around other houses' common rooms. She still wasn't able to find Hufflepuffs", Tom said.
"Ah Slytherins...I'm so happy I'm not one, but living with three isn't easy."
"I believe you. Remember Angela, she's just like T.J., only she isn't 12, but 17 which is even more embarrising."
"Tom...I haven't seen Ben either. It's his first year. Which house is he in?"
"Hufflepuff. I think that is one more reason why Angela is so obsessed with finding their common room."
Lyria couldn't hold her smile. She bursted into laughter.
"I think I see him there with little Weasley. She is a Hufflepuff too."
"Then let's go!", Lyria took him by his hand and dragged him to where little Ben was playing with Rose.
"Tommy!", Ben ran towards his brother when he saw him.
"Hi there champ! And who are your  friends? I see this is a Weasley", he said as pointing towards redheaded girl with pigtails,"but who is this?", he pointed at a boy standing next to Rose Weasley. He had darkish brown hair and glasses.
"It is Albus Potter. It is his 2nd year so he is telling us about this ball and how it all works", Ben explained.
"Hi, little Potter. You must be a Gryffindor like your folks", Tom said to Albus.
"Ahm, my brother James is but I'm sadly different. Even my sister Lily who is 8 years old seems to have a Gryffindor gene in her. Only I seem to lack it.", he sadly answered.
"He is a Slytherin", Ben said.
"Oh, well it doesn't meen anything. My parents were both Slytherins and former Deatheaters and they are both nice now. And I and my younger siblings tend to be different. Amber and I are both Ravenclaws as is my girlfriend here Lyria Ann Malfoy. Only my twin sister seems to have inherited their Slytherin gene", Tom explained to young Slytherin.
Albus felt better about himself, but it wasn't easy being a mix of Potter and Weasley and end up in Slytherin.
"You know Slytherins aren't actualy that bad.", Lyria said. "I live with 3 younger siblings who are all troublesome Slytherins like our dad, but without them my life would honestly be pretty much boring. Slytherins are the ones who push you to your limits."
Albus couldn't hide his smile. Lyria's words made him more confident in himself.
They all said goodbye to little ones and headed outside, bur before Lyria had to go to the bathroom. On the way there she heard a familiar voice gigling and saying:"No one can't know. Especially my sister. She would kill me."
Other voice was rough, but kind:"I promise not to say a word. Now give me a kiss."
As she came around the corner she saw her sister Brianna kissing a boy. But why would she want to hide it from her, it's just a boy. Then he turned around.
"Brianna Lucinda Malfoy?! What are you doing with him?! Are you nuts? I have to tell dad", Lyria said.
Brianna was shocked. Exactly that what she had feared would happen, happened. Her sister saw her. And she is gonna tell their dad about it. She was in trouble...

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