Abducted by her own mother

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The holidays passed so T.J. was back at Hogwarts and Cameron went back to the States, while his twin sister decided to stay in England for a couple of days to catch up with some old classmates.
"Look Skylar, I'm still mad at you for what you did at my party. I don't forgive that easily. You made a huge mess in my family. My parents are still fighting with  each other because of that. If you only kept your mouth shot like I told you, we wouldn't be in this situation", Hermione was sitting on the sofa in the living room, while Skylar just stood in front of her.
"I know sis, but I couldn't just stand there and listen to him talking that I'm delusional. I got angry. I'm really sorry about everything", he was trying to explain himself to her, but she just waved her hand.
"I don't even want to know. Look, the mess is made. Now, I have to clean it up after you, but we still have the case opened. I need you for this, so you better listen to me next time when I'm warning you. And, don't think I forgave you. You're still in the red zone", she stood up from the sofa. "Come on, we are meeting Lyria in the Diagon Alley."
She walked up to Brianna who was sitting on the couch in the living room and doodling dresses while listening to music. Hermione put down her headphones.
"Bri, I'm taking Bradley with me, so you have only two to watch out on"
"Yes, Lilly is upstairs with Rosalie. Please, watch out on them", Hermione kissed her on her head, took Bradley who was playing on the floor, by his hand, went outside and apparated. Skylar followed.
About 30 minutes later, Hermione showed up at the manor again, but alone. She walked to the living room, where she saw Brianna still sketching some dresses.
"Dear, where are the kids?", she asked Brianna.
"Oh, mum. You're already home. Where are Brad and Lyria?"
"Oh, no I frogot something. He is with her and Skylar. They are waiting for me. I thought to check up on the kids."
"Oh, alright. They are in Rosalie's room I think." Hermione started to go up the stairs, when Brianna called her.
"Mum, may I invite James over? I haven't seen him in a while."
"Yeah, whatever", Hermione went upstairs. She looked a little bit confused. Whitch room are the kids in?
"I know I haven't been here for years, but they changed it a lot. Now it is much brighter. Uf, yuck", she murmored. She heard laughter comming from the end of the corridor. She walked towards the voices and stepped into the room.
"Mum, you're back early", Rosalie sad and hugged her mum.
"Oh, yeah",Hermione starteled. "I have a surprise for you two. Let's go!"
"Where is Bradley?"
"Oh he is with Lyria. We don't have much time. I have to go back."
"Alright", Rosalie grabbed Hermione by the hand and Lilly grabbed Rosalie's. They apparated.
After about 2 hours later, Hermione came back home with Bradley and Lyria.
"Bri, we're home!", she said, put Bradley down and went in the living room. She stood behind Brianna looking at her sketches.
"Oh, that's nice. Where are Rosalie and Lilly?"
"Still upstairs, but they have been awfuly quiet since you last left. When did you leave by the way? I haven't seen you."
"Bri, what are you talking about? I haven't been home for the past 3 hours."
"No, you were here. You said you forgot something here."
Hermione ran upstairs into Rosalie's room. It was empty.
"Bri, where are the girls?"
Brianna came upstairs after her.
"They were here mum, I swear."
Suddenly Hermione felt her hand burning. She looked at her hand. Her scar was brighter and brighter. The mudblood letters started moving making a note on her hand that read:
"They are with me. You for them. Come alone. Under the Wobbeling bridge in 20 minutes."
Hermione looked at her hand.
"Mum, what is it?", Brianna asked her.
"Oh, nothing." She went downstairs into Draco's office, took a piece of paper and started writting.
"Dear family, I have to go. It seems that Bellatrix took Rosalie and Lilly and wants me in exchange. I'm sorry. I love you all. I trust you'll find me. Mum"
She left the note in the office on Draco's table. As she passed through the living room, she saw James.
"What are you doing here? Never mind." She kissed Bradley on his cheek. He was in Lyria's arms.
"Lyria, honey. I have something to do. Take care of Bradley and Brianna. I have to go and get Rosalie and Lilly. Call your father and tell him to come home. Oh, and there is a note on his desk". As she said that, she apparated out of the house.
It was already dark. Everything was still. People were walking on the bridge, but under it there was no one.
"There you are." She heard from the dark.
"Mum!",Rosalie exclaimed.
"Bellatrix. But how?", Hermione said.
"Details later. Here, say your goodbyes", she pushed Rosalie and Lilly who ran into Hermione's arms. She hugged them.
"That would be enough." Bellatrix waved her wand and the magic ropes came flying and tying Hermione. Before she was completely tied up, Hermione took her wand, waved it and apparated the girls in the manor.
"I hope you said your goodbyes to everyone, because I don't have in mind to let you go any time soon", Bellatrix looked at  Hermione all tied up.  She took her wand and apparated them.

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