Chasing The Rainbow

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Rosalie had one of the most impossible tasks. She had to find the indigo colour of the rainbow, but she had no idea where to start. James Potter was going with her.
"So where to?", he asked her.
"I think I would like to go through some of my mother's books in our library"
"But, do we have time for it?"
"I'll make time for it"
"Sassy. Just like your sister.", James said and apparated the two of them to the Malfoy Manor.
When she got home she called their house elf, a free elf they payed for her work, Ditty.
"Yes, miss?", Ditty asked.
"Ditty, where does my mother keep her books on rainbows, not muggle ones about chemistry, but those about magic of the rainbow?"
"Miss, if you would wait here, I'll get them for you"
"Thank you Ditty", Rosalie said and Ditty wanished with a simple puf.
She showed up again with 2 books in her hands. One was small, but heavy. It had about 300 paiges. It was red with a rainbow drewed on its cover. The other one was bigger, but thiner. It looked like a children's book.
"If I may ask miss, what are you searching for exactly?"
"Indigo colour. It is crucial we find it. And fast"
"Oh, you don't need those books than. I'll show you the way. My good friend is a rainbow elf" Rosalie looked at Ditty. She had never heard of rainbow elves, but it may be a solution to her problem.
"Ditty, take us there, please", and with those words Ditty puffed all three of them.
They were now on a big opened field full of poppies. It was a sunny day and not night like it was in London. There was a small stream a little further then from where they were standing.
"Where are we?", James asked.
"Field of poppies. My friend lives here. Oh there he is", Ditty showed on a little red elf who was laying in the grass beneath one poppy.
"Red!", she called him.
The elf stood up and saw his friend waving at him.
"Ditty!", he came to hug her. "What are you doing here?"
"Red, this is miss Rosalie and her friend James. They need indingo colour for something and it is urgent"
"Nice to meet you all, I'm Red, red colour elf of the rainbow. But sorry, it is sunny day today, so that means only warm colour elves our outside: Me, Orange and Yellow. Green is somewhere in the shades, but Blue, Indigo and Purple are hiding. They can only be outside when it rains."
"Will they come outside if we make it rain?", James asked.
"Well, technicaly yes, but how do you intend to make it rain?", Red asked.
James smirked and pulled out his wand.
"Oh, a wizard. I'll have to advise you boy that if you make it rain by magic, it won't last long. Only for a couple of minutes, so you'll have to hurry. And wait until me and my friends Orange and Yellow get somwhere we can't get wet first."
"Why?", Rosalie asked. "If you saty we'll get to see the rainbow"
"It doesn't work like that, child. There are certain times a rainbow can be made, and it certainly can't be forced by your magic."
"Sorry, I asked. You don't have to be so rude", Rosalie said quietly so only James could hear her. He did and he couldn't supress his laughter.
"What is so funny, boy?", Red asked.
"Oh, nothing mr. Red. Can you please get somwhere safe so I could cast the spell?", James answered.
Red just looked at him for a brief second and went out to the field to get his friends. Once he signalised Ditty he got them, she told James he could cast the spell.
Once it started raining, three little elves showed up in the field. One was blue, the other one was purple, but they only saw indigo for a second before she got out of sight.
"Fast, find her!", James rold Rosalie.
She went to the field "miss Indigo, please I need you", she shouted.
A small indigo elf peeked from a poppy where she was hiding. She asked a bit shy: "y...yes?"
"Miss Indigo, can you give me some of your colour? I need it for a potion to stop the war"
The elf looked at her. "How can I trust you?"
"You can trust her. She is a great friend to me and the other house elves. She pays me for my hard work much more than she should. She is kind, patient, smart and most of all loyal to her friend and family. She wouldn't hurt a fly, trust me", Ditty said from behind Rosalie.
Rosalie looked at the elf. She could see Indigo was thinking about whether to trust her or not.
"Fine. You seem like a good person. I'll give you an indigo flower. When you need it, take its pental, smash it good and a few drops of indigo colour should be enough, but if you use it for evil or for yourself, the flower will die and me nor other rainbow elves won't eber help you again"
"Thank you miss Indigo. I'll take good care of it. You can trust me" as Rosalie said that Indigo started making something with her hands. It started glowing and a magnificant small indigo flower appeared in her hands. She handed it to Rosalie who thanked herself once again and waved to James she has it.
The rain was getting weaker so the cold colour elves ran into hiding again and the sun shone once again.
"Thank you Mr. Red. I hope once we could repay ourselves for all kindness you showed us", Rosalie said amd James apparated the three of them back to Lavander's place.

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