This Is How We Celebrate Christmas

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Christmas day finally came. Hermione and Draco were still sleeping. They thought it was a good idea to sleep a little longer since they are hosting a party later that night. Hermione told kids to be quiet if they have plans to wake up earlier, but she warned them that it is going to be a long night. Lyria and the twins were also sleeping, but T.J. couldn't wait to open his presents. He knew Rosalie will be as excited as he was so he ran into her room.
"Rosalie, wake up! It is Christmas! Come on let's go!", he started shaking her until she opened her eyes.
"What time is it?", she asked still sleepy.
"Does it matter? Come on let's go. No time to sleep",he told her.
"Alright, alright, I'm coming. Just give me a minute to put something proper on", she said.
When T.J. stepped out of her room, she put on one of her longer sweaters, put on her sleepers and made her way downstairs. T.J. was waiting for her in front of her room in his P.J.-s. When se walked out of her room, he grabbed her by her hand and started pulling her after him downstairs.
"Oh. My. God. Look at this. I can't wait to open them", T.J. said happily.
"Well then. Come. Let's open them", Rosalie took him by his hand and they went towards rhe big christmas tree that was standing in a corner of the living room. It was big and full of purple and blue christmas balls. Under the tree were presents. Some were wrapped and some were in bags. There were small pieces of paper with names on the presents. T.J. started looking for his name. Rosalie has already found hers. It was wrapped with yellow paper with red stripes and it had a big red bow on top. She wanted to wait for er brother to find his so they can open them together. T.J. found everybody's present, but his.
"Where is mine?", he asked sadly.
"Try and look in the garden", he heard from behind. It was his dad.
"Why is my present in the garden?", he asked.
"Well, honey. It was to big to fit under the tree",he heard his mother's voice. She was coming down the stairs still in her purple nightgown. As she passed Draco she gave him a kiss and put little Bradley down. She then came towards Rosalie, gave her a kiss on her forhead and took T.J. by his hand.
"Come on. Let's go and see what it is", she told him and they went outside.
In the garden there was a long box wrapped in green paper. T.J. ran towards the box.
"It is big. What is it?", he looked at the box from each side. He opened it and there was a gold longboard.
"It is a wizboard. It is like a skateboard muggles ride but this one flies. Try it", Draco said to him.
T.J. stepped on it and the board started lifting him in the air. It took him only 5 minutes to get a hang of it and he was already flying across the garden. Rosalie opened her present and it was a new book of muggle fairytails and some sweetes. She hugged her parents and went inside to start reading it. T.J. flew next to Lyria's bedroom so the sound of the flying wizboard woke her up. She went to the window to see what's going on. When she saw T.J. flying around she opened te window and yelled: "T.J.! Do you really have to fly that thing so early in the morning?!"
"Sorry sis", he said like he didn't mind her at all.
She couldn't sleep anymore so she went to Brianna's room to see if she is awake. She set on her bed combing her brown hair.
"Did he wake you to?", Lyria asked her.
"No, I was already awake. And so ic Cam. He just went downstairs."
"Oh, then I'm going to. Are you coming?"
"Yeah. Just a sec", Brianna said.
They went downstairs and their whole family was seating in the living room. Draco was sitting next to Hermione on the couch with his arm around her and she had her head on his shoulder. T.J. was playing with Bradley and his new car toy and Rosalie was reading her new book on the sofa. Cameron was sitting next to Rosalie and trying to find out how his new airpods worked. Girls came down, said good morning to everyone and took their presents. Lyria's was in a small blue bag. She got sapphire earings to go with her Ravenclaw image and Brianna got make-up kit. They spend the whole morning together just hanging out as a family. They played some games and ate together.
It was 19 o'clock. They had one hour until guests started arriving. Hermione was making final arrangments while everybody else was getting ready. Little Bradley was still ill so he had to sit this party out. Draco was with him giving him his medicine before he had to get ready for the party himself. Lyria put on her new sapphire earings that went perfectly with her sapphire blue dress. Brianna had a sparkling purple dress and Cameron had his pelerine with a bit purple so it matches his twin sister's dress. T.J. put on his tuxedo, happy he could finnaly wear it and Rosalie was in  her golden dress with flowers on her head. She looked like a flower princess.
Everyone was ready for the party. The guests started arriving: Zabinis, Potters, Andromeda, Longbottoms, Notts, Grandparents, even Weasleys were invited. Hermione greeted her friends in her long red dress with sparkling red stars and Draco was standing beside her in his pelerine. When everyone was inside, he formaly greeted everyone.
"Welcome everyone to another Christmas party here at the manor. We are happy to see you all again and we hope you enjoyed your peaceful part of Christmas because it is gonna get crazy in here",he raised his glass and people raised theirs. They drank their champain and the night started. Lyria of course was with her boyfriend Tom, but with them were Rosalie and Lilly Potter. Cameron was with his girlfriend Amber Zabini and along side them were Tom's twin Angela and Niel Weasley. They all went in the garden. T.J., Rose Weasley and Albus Potter had to put up with little Longbottom Harold who was just 5. Brianna and James Potter were nowhere to be found, but maybe it is for the best that Draco doesn't see them together. Draco was talking with his aunt Andromeda and with them were Luna amd Neville Longbottom who were curious to find out more about the forgotten Andromeda Black now Tonks. Her grandson Teddy was also there but he was mainly listening to Pansy and Ginny talking about quidditch. Hermione was running up and down to check on her guests but also to see how is Bradley doing. Blaise and Theodore were drinking and making everybody laugh at their stupid comments because they were to drunk to think. Harry came but only briefly to say hi to Hermione and he had to go to work again. Some wizards were too drunk so they made a huge mess in the muggle village. He took Ron with him so he doesn't bother Hermione. The party lasted until 3 o'clock the next day. Adults were mainly drunk but what's a party without good booze.

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