Unicorn Tamer

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Brianna took Bradley by his hand as Niel stood on his other side holding his other hand and she apparated them.
They landed under a hill on which a castle was. The hill was surrounded by woods. The dark was falling so they had to be quick, otherwise they will have to wait for the sun to rise again, and their time was limited.
"May I ask where are we?", Niel asked.
"Bayern, Germany. This is the famous Wanderwald", she showed around.
"How do you know this is where unicorns are?", he asked her.
"Well, if you must know, unicorns are creatures that are almost extinct. There aren't many left and my father told me that in his first year he had detention with your uncle Harry in the forbidden forest where they saw Voldemort drinking unicorn's blood. And my mother did a lot of traveling after she caught your father in bed with your mother to clear her mind, became a travel reporter before she took over as a head editor of the Daily Prophet. She told me she was once here while exploring the castles of Bayern like that one and she saw a unicorn here, so I thought it was a good place to start" Niel just stood there not saying a word. It was almost dark and she knew they will have to do it the next morning, only fast. She hoped her siblings were doing better.
The next morning she woke Bradley and Niel up when the first light shone.
"What?", Niel asked her as she was shaking him to wake up.
"We only have today and unicorns are early birds. We can catch two flies as they have their breakfast. Now up you go", she told him.
They started wandering around tying to hear any sound but birds chirping. As they walked through the woods, Bradley started pulling Brianna's hand.
"Look horsie!", he exclaimed.
"Brad, horsies don't live in the woods", she said.
"Horsie. A hornhorsie!", he exclaimed again pulling her hand.
"There is no such thing as hornhorsie!", she yelled now a bit stressed out.
Niel looked at her.
"What?", she asked him and then it hit her a unicorn is a hornhorsie.
"Brad, you little angel, you are a genious!", she kissed his head. "Now we have to be quiet or it will run away"
But Bradley didn't listen. He pulled his hand out of Brianna's and ran towards the unicorn. The little boy hugged the white creature. It seemed that it wasn't scared of Bradley. The creature looked at Bradley while the boy hugged it.
"Brad, the tear", she said.
"Bri is sad?", he turned to her.
"No, Brad. Unicorn"
"Horsie sad?"
"Horsie has to cry", she said.
Bradley looked at the creature. Why would he make so magnificant creature cry. He looked at its pink hair and rainbow coloured horn. Than he looked straight into its dark eyes trying to find a way to get its tear without making it hurt. The creature looked at the boy as if it knew what he wanted. Brianna and Niel were standing looking at their connection. She was stunned. Then a tear dropped at Bradley's arm and he hugged the unicorn saying "horsie don't be sad" Brianna knew he got the tear so she got to her little brother carefully not to scare the unicorn, took out a little bottle out of her purse and put a tear inside. She turned to Niel "we have to find the fairyplum. It must be here somewhere. Bradley will stay here and play with the unicorn" Niel nodded and followed her further into the woods.
They walked in silence when Brianna started asking: "I never asked how do you feel after everything with your father."
"Mum is happier. And house is quieter. As he got older he got drunker and angrier. It is nice to have peace for once and no yelling"
"Do you even see him at all?"
They walked in silence again. After some time Niel spoke again which surprised Brianna:" You know, he hates your father. He blames him for everything. He never let us even talk to you Malfoys" Brianna looked at him confused but he continued "He was even angrier when Rose started hanging out with T.J."
"Uhm, Niel, I don't understand. What are you trying to say?"
"I always wanted to talk to you and your twin brother. You were so cool and everything, but I didn't get the chance. Before I knew it I was done with Hogwarts and you stayed for one more year. I wanted to have fun with you, but you were Slytherin King and Queen and I was just a humble Hufflepuff"
"I still don't understand"
He looked into her hazel brown eyes that were the only thing she didn't have exactly like her twin brother. His eyes were greyish like his father's. Then he kissed her passionately. She was stunned at first, but she kissed him back. They pulled away from each ofher and blushed.
"I think we should get Bradley", she said and they got back.
When they got back Bradley was still playing with the unicorn now feeding it. Brianna didn't notice until she saw that moment and said"Shit. We forgot about the fairyplum". Niel just showed her Bradley's hands. He had something round and pink in his hands which he fed to the unicorn.
"Brad, where did you find it?", she asked her little brother.
He just showed her a bush behind her that was full with pink round fairyplums. She took two, for just in case and put them in her purse. She then grabbed Bradly's hand and with her free hand she took Niel's hand and held it tight. Their fingers intertwined. She looked at him and he knew what he had to do. With his spare hand he waved his wand and apparated the three of them back to London.

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