Women Know Best

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It was already summer. It was hot and kids were already back from school. Lyria finished her finals with top grades and could chill this summer. She knew what she was going to do after the break so she layed in her bikini on the  beach bed in the garden. They didn't have a pool, but it was hot so she found it was a good time to get a little tan. Tom, his twin Angela and Niel Weasley were also finished with their Hogwarts years so they often hung out together. Today she had plans with them to go in London in the Magix club. Before that she saw a brown owl flying towards the house. She was carrying a letter. Lyria took the letter and saw it was for her mum from L.Weasley. She knew it was a response to her letter earlier that year. It seems her mother was writing letters with Mrs.Weasley for quite some time. It means it worked.
"Mum, a letter for you",she came in the kitchen were Hermione was prepearing dinner. "It's from her",she said and Hermione looked around her to see if somebody is around.
"Did your dad see this?",she asked Lyria.
"No, I saw the owl flying towards the house so I took it before anybody elese could. I see you have been writing to her. So my plan worked? Are you going to meet?",Lyria asked quietly.
"Let's find out. She was suppoesed to tell me when she is free in this letter",Hermione opened the letter. "Hm, it seems she wants to meet with me tomorrow in the Diagon Alley, but no one can know about this."
"Of course mum. Listen maybe it would seem less suspicious if I went with you to London, but then met with Tom, Angela and Niel. If he goes with her it won't be so suspicious."
"It is a good idea, honey",Hermione kissed Lyria on the foread. "I'll write to her this instant. Be ready for tomorrow. We are going around 11 so don't stay at Magix to long, alright?"
Lyria nodded.
The next morning Lyria was quite tired, but she pulled herself together. She got home around 3 so she didn't have much to sleep. Usually she sleeps 'till 11, but now she had to be up earlier.
"Mum, are you ready?",Lyria asked.
"Just a sec. I have to take Bradley with us. Can he be with you and your friends? I can't leave him alone with T.J. and the twins. Rosalie is at Lilly's and I don't trust those troublemakers to watch out on him."
"Of course,mum",Lyria said. "He'll be in good hands".
Hermione took Bradley in her arms and told Lyria to apparate them in the alley.
When they got there, Tom and Angela were already waiting for them.
"Is Niel already here?",Lyria asked Tom.
"He will be here any second. He had to go with his mum. She had something important to do here", Tom answered.
"Oh, my mum has someone to interview for the Prophet so Bradley has to go with us", she told them.
"Lyria, hon. I gotta go. Take care of him",she put Bradley in her arms, kissed both of her children on forhead and went.
She got to the tavern in a small street where she was suppoesed to meet Lavander. She waited 5 minutes when she saw her curly hair and a bow in her head.
"Sorry, Ron wanted me to do something before we go. You know him", Lavander told her.
"I know everything. He can't lift a finger without help. Let's go. I don't have much time. Draco will be home in 2 hours."
They sat on the table in the corner of the tavern. The tavern was half full, so try could talk with no one hearing them.
"Listen",Hermione started. "I think you should know everything first."
"I think I know everything, but maybe I'm missing something so tell me."
Hermione explained her why she had Lyria send her a letter in her name and what was this all about.
"I can't take it anymore. Everywhere I am alone without Draco, he is. He follows me and tries something. A few months ago he tried to kiss me. He isn't in his right mind", Hermione stated.
"I know. I saw how he is looking at you. He is angry all the time and wants to do stuff with me and I'm not in the mood for it. When I say no, he becomes agressive. I love my kids. Niel is going to college in the States, and Rose will be in her second year. I can't handle him like that alone",Lavander said and started sobbing.
"Don't cry", Hermione took her hand. "You are stronger than you look. You have a brain and he doesn't. I forgave you years ago so we are alright."
Lavander looked at her. She wasn't sure what to say. She didn't believe it was possible for Hermione to forgive her. Ever. But she did.
"You don't know how it makes me happy to hear you say you forgave me", Lavander hugged Hermione. "I'm really sorry for everything."
"I know. But we are here for one reason. We have to get back at him. You need to divorce him or he will be molesting you for the rest of your life and I need ro get a restraining order against him. We have to act and fast",Hermione explained her.
"We have to catch him on act being agressive towards me and trying to do something with you",Lavander said.
"Lyria knows so she will help me now she will be working for Draco. I know she will keep it discrete and we will catch him",Hermione told her.
They agreed that Lavander will hide a camera in their bedroom so she could have a proof of Ron molesting her and when they are together at event Lyria will hide to try and get it on Camera how he is trying to do something with Hermione. It was a good plan, but who knows how long it would take for them to catch him. He is very precautious.

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