Mess At The Quidditch Match

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Winter break was over and kids had to go back to Hogwarts. Rosalie and little Bradley were at Hemione's parents' house, their Grandparents' house It was Valantine's day. Draco took a free day to prepare something special for Hermione. She went to work with Pansy so him and Blaise had a whole day to make their plans come true. They were in Draco's home office at manor talking about their plans and drinking butterbeer.
"So mate, what did you have in mind for Pansy?", Draco asked his best friend.
"I had this crazy idea. I wanted to take her on this adventure. I'll take her to Los Angeles, she had always wanted to see it. And we'll climb the Hollywood hill and when we get on the top and she sees the view I'll give her this necklace", he put a small red box on Draco's table and opened it. There was a silver necklace inside with little green snake and heart. "What do you think about that?", he asked Draco.
"Wow it is beutiful. It represents you to school sweethearts. I think it is a great idea. I had something simpler in mind. You know Hermione. She is a simple kind of girl", Draco smilled thinking about his wife.
"Well let's hear it",Blaise said.
"I wanted to take this time she isn't home to cook something for her. I'm not alowed to step inside the kitchen 'cause I'll make mess but I'll have help. Aunt Andromeda is coming in half an hour and she'll help me prepare it and clean up", Draco explained.
"I love it and I'm sure she will to."
Later that night, Hermione came home with a green bag in her hands.
"Draco, honey. I'm home. Where are you?",she asked.
"Here dear," he came towards her and gave her a deep kiss. "Happy Valentine's day. I love you."
"I love you to. Here, I got you something",she gave him the bag.
"Oh, a new suit and with a green tie. You really know me and my needs",he gave her a kiss again. "Come I have a surprise for you." He led her to the dinning room. There were candels and a beutiful dinner.
"You did this?"
"Yep. I had a little help from aunt Andromeda but don't worry kitchen looks like before I steped inside."
She giggled. "It is beutiful. I love you so much.", they kissed again.
After dinner she said: "I have another surprise for you", and she started taking her shirt off. She had a new green lace bra on.
"I love it", his grey eyes sparkled in the semi-dark dinning room. He took her in his arms and ran towards their bedroom. She giggled and as they came into the room, he closed the door and turned of the lights. All you could hear are happy moans from two people who are in love.
A few days later Ginny had her Quidditch game and she invited Hermione to watch, because Harry was once again absend. All the players had special boxes for their guests so Hermione had to put up with Ron who was also invited. She knew her other best friend Pansy is going to be there too because she works as a sports reporter for the Prophet, but she had a special box only for the reporters. She was alone because Draco had to work and she wasn't feeling quite good being in the same space as her cheeting ex who came with his lover, now wife.
Ginny's team was doing well. They were ahead for 20 points, but the other team started scoring one after another. At one point time out was called and Hermione took that chance to go to the bathroom. On the way there she bumped into someone.
"Oh, sorry", she said to the person.
"No worries. I'm used to it. You are always bumping into people", she heard a deep but familiar voice. She looked up and recognised short red hair.
"Ronald, what do you want?"
"How do you know I want something?"
"Well, you wouldn't be standing here if you didn't want something. Were you folowing me?",she gave him a suspicious look.
"You could say so", he smirked.
"Don't smirk. I hate it when you do it. If you think it looks cute, believe me-it doesn't. Now excuse me, I have a game to watch."
"Excuse me. I think I heard no."
"You heard"
"I don't think so. The game is starting I'm going. I'll go to the bathroom later. Goodbye",she started walking away but he grabbed her by her hand and pulled her towards himself.
"What are you doing? I'm not your wife to do that! Leave me alone!",she shouted.
"I don't think so",he pushed her at the wall and started leaning in to kiss her.
"Oh, I don't think so you cochroach!",she slapped him.
"Oh no, you didn't", he got angry when she slapped him.
"Oh yes I did and I'm watning you. You try that one more time, you'll end at St. Mungo's hospital for a month.
He looked at her with intrest in his eyes.
"Oh, really?"
"Yes, really",she started walking away, but he stood in her way and kissed her.
She punched him in the nose and ran away. Where could she go? She can't go home, the game isn't finished yet and she promised Ginny she would watch her. Then she saw reporters taking pictures of the players flying over their heads. "Pansy", she thought. She started running towards the reporters box and a guard stopped her.
"Only for reporters."
"I'm the head editor of the Daily Prophet."
"I don't see your pass. Without a pass, I can't let you in."
"She is with me", Pansy came and said to the guard. Hermione ran into her arms and hugged her. She started sobbing.
"Hermione what is it?"
"Ronald, he tryed to kiss me as I was going to the bathroom, but when I slapped him he got angry, stood in my way and kissed me. I punched him and ran to you", she cryed.
"He won't find you here. You are safe with me."
The game finished. Ginny's team won in the last minute. Their seeker caught the snitch just a second before the other one. When Ginny went towards her guest box and didn't see Hermione she knew something must have happened.
She looked at her brother who had it written all over his face that it was his fault. She came outside the stadion and found Pansy with crying Hermione.
"What happened? Ron again?"
"You guessed it", Pansy said to her. "Excuse us, you were incredible, but I'm taking her home and notifying Draco. See you later." They hugged and Pansy apparated her and Hermione to the manor. She told Draco what had happened. He was furious, but Hermione told him it was alright, but next time she won't go enywhere where Ron could be alone. She promised him and they went to bed. He hold her tight in her arms until she fell asleep so he could rest too.

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