What Is She Doing Here?!

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The next 2 days were hurried at the Manor. Hermione was trying to clean everything up and make the house perfect for mystery event that was happening two days before their annual christmas party. Girls were helping at the kitchen since boys were banned to ever step into the kitchen. Boys were hanging new decorations and cleaning the house. Draco had to deal with problems at one of his hotels so he wasn't at home to see his sons finally cleaning. Little Bradley was the only boy who could be in the kitchen since he was always with his mother. He started crying so Hermione went upstairs with him and left girls finish the pastries. Lyria took her chance to try and find out who so important is coming soon.
"Bri, what do you think, why is it a secret? Why can't we know who is coming?",she asked her sister.
"I don't know. All I know is it is someone important when mum is so crazy about perfection", she said and shrugged her shoulders.
"All I know is that there are only 3 persons who could be so important to her. One of them is dad, but he doesn't care about that. Even he doesn't know who is coming over. Other one is McGonagall, but she has to stay at Hogwarts, so it isn't her. The last one is silly. I don't think it is her", Lyria answered still trying to find out mystery person's identity.
"Who is the third person, Lyria?", Rosalie asked with curiosity.
"I doesn't make any sense. The third person is Lavander Weasley because mum wants to show off and show her how she just made her life better by what she had done to mum", Lyria responded.
"I don't think it is her. If it wasn't in that letter you gave me to get her here than it isn't her", Brianna said.
"What letter?", Rosalie asked.
"Jesus Brianna. I told you to keep quiet about that", she looked angrily at her sister. "Nothing important. I had to send one letter to Niel's mum for a project we did together", Lyria told Rosalie.
"Brianna!", Hermione shouted from upstairs. "Can you come here and watch out on Bradley for me. I have to finish something before she gets here."
"I'm coming mum", Brianna said and went upstairs. "Why was he crying?"
"It seems that he is ill. He has fever. Please make sure he has everything he needs and call dad so he knows and remind him we have a guest tonight. It is important to me."
Hermione went downstairs to fix decorations boys hung on the wrong places. While she was runing up and down to see how Bradley is and making her chocolate cake, she didn't notice Draco came home. She was so nervously runing around she didn't notice him looking at her.
"I love it when you have to make everything perfect. You look cute,"he said.
"Oh, Draco, you scared me. I love you but please go upstairs to Bri and see how Brad is doing. And check his temperature," she gave him a kiss and went back to her cake.
He went upstairs when a bell rang.
"She is here! Everyone behave!", Hermione shouted and opened the door.
"Andromeda! Welcome to our house. How are you?", Hermione greeted older woman with glasses in her pink dress.
"I'm surprised you even invited me here. I haven't seen my nephew since ever. Narcissa gave me only one look before Lucius came home when he was just a baby. I can't believe he disobayed his father's 'pureblood only' rule", the old lady said.
Draco came down and as soon as she saw him she said: "Oh, how you've grown. You look exactly like your father but I can see Cissy in your eyes and nose."
Draco looked with a question mark above his head at his wife. "Honey, care to introduce me to your friend who seems to know me and my family, but I have never seen her in my life."
"Yes you have", the old lady said. "Once for a short minute, but you have."
"Honey, it is your aunt Andromeda. I saw her when I was at Diagon Alley with her grandson Teddy. I was with Harry but he had some urgent auror business so he left Teddy with me. She wanted to meet you."
Draco was surprised. Her name wasn't supposed to be said in his family because she had married a muggle. He was happy he has a chance to meet her.
"Well, aunt Andromeda, care to join us for supper and meet the whole family?", he asked the old lady.
"Well of course. But the most important thing for me is to get to know you", she hugged him."I have so much to tell you."
They came to the dinning room and sat around the table. Lyria was shocked. She didn't know this lady. She could have been anyone. Why was her mother trying so much to impress her? What was she doing here?
"Well Andromeda, this are our kids. Lyria Ann is our oldest daughter. She is finishing her last year at Hogwarts as none other than a Ravenclaw. Can you believe it?", she pointed at Lyria, who was sitring next to Hermione. "Next to her are oursecond oldest twins Cameron Ross and Brianna Lucinda. They are 6th years and real troublesome pranksters as their father so you can guess whitch house are they in. Across from Cameron is my little devil Taylor James, T.J. also Slytherin.", T.J. smirked at her words. "Next to him is Rosalie Lynn. She will be going to Hogwarts in 3 years, but I already have my assumptions in which house will she be,"she showed a girl with her straight medium platinum blond hair, hazel eyes and freckles. Rosalie smiled politely at Andromeda. Hermione started again:"And in Draco's arms is our little Bradley William. He is nust two, but he is already a fighter.  Unfortunately he became ill earlier today so he has to go to bed now." As she said that, she nodded to Draco signalising him it is time that he gets Bradley to bed.
"Your family is great. They are all so cute", Andromeda smilled at suspicious Lyria.
"Well, can I just ask- who are you and what are you doing here?", Lyria asked kinda impolitely.
"Lyria! How are you talking to our guest?! I thought I had taught you better than this", Hermione said to Lyria.
"It is alright dear. I haven't been able to come near this family until now. You see I'm your father's disowned aunt because I married a muggle", Andromeda explained.
Dracocame back feeling tension in the air. "Well whatever is going on here I say we forget about that and start over", he said.
Everybody agreed that it was a great idea. Andromeda started talking about her childhood with Narcissa and Bellatrix and how they where different back then. Draco was so happy he could learn something new about his mother. Kids were also interessted to find out more about their grandparents. The dinner went pretty well. Everyone got along and since then Andromeda was accepted into the family so she was also invited to their annual christmas party that was happening in 2 days.

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