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Rosalie and Lilly showed up in the middle of the living room in the manor.
"Dad!", Rosalie exclaimed when she saw Draco walking around in circles with his head down and thinking. He looked up and saw Rosalie running towards him.
"Rosalie, honey. You are alright." He hugged her tight.
"Rosalie, where is mum?", Lyria asked her.
"The mean lady with the crooked wand took her."
"Bellatrix. So it is true what she wrote in the note. We have to do something", Lyria put Bradley down from her hands.
"But how?", Draco asked.
"I think dad that is not important right now."
"You're right. I know what I have to do, although I hate it. You", he pointed at James who was still at the manor and comforting Brianna on the couch. "Take your sister home and give this to your mother. She would want to know", he gave him Hermione's note. James nodded, kissed Brianna's forhead, took Lilly by her hand and apparated.
Draco went into his ofdice and started typing a number into his phone. It rang.
"Hello.", the voice in the phone said.
"Potter. It is me, Draco. I nead your help."
"Malfoy? What is so important that you felt the urge to call me?"
"Potter it isn't time to joke. Believe me when I tell you I wouldn't call you if I wasn't desperate."
"Oh, you're serious. So what's going on, Malfoy?"
"Hermione. Bellatrix abducted her. Well she abducted Lilly and Rosalie first so she could exchange them for her"
"Lilly?! You are saying my daughter has been abducted and you didn't tell me?!"
"Chill. She is alright. Both of them are. They appeared in my living room 5 minutes ago. Your son was here so I sent him home with her."
"Wait. You are saying Bellatrix Lestrange escaped from Azkaban? That's impossible. I know for a fact that she is right there now. I was there like 2 hours ago to put another missing Deatheater behind bars."
"I don't know how, but she came into my home like Hermione. It seems she used a polyjuice potion. But Hermione was suspicious for quite some time that something strange was going on at Azkaban. It is a long story. Can you meet me in 10 minutes at the tavern in the Diagon Alley?"
"Sure. Malfoy, don't be late!"
"Never, Potter!" And they hung up.
"Lyria!", Draco called his oldest daughter.
"So, what's the plan, dad?"
"I'm meeting Potter in 10. Take care of them." He kissed her forhead.
"Dad, as much as I hate to say it, maybe Skylar can help. I mean he had been on the case with mum longer then me. He might know something."
"Yes, you are right. I'll pick him up on my way". Draco apparated and showed up in wizarding London. He walked towards a bar on the Paddington Street.
"I knew I would find you here", he said to Skylar who was drinking there a neat whiskey.
"Well you found me mr. Malfoy. So, what's up?"
"Hermione has been abducted. We are meeting Potter in the Diagon Alley. Let's go", and the two of them apparated.
When they came in the tavern, Harry was already there.
"Who is this Malfoy?"
"He is Hermione's stepbrother so it seems."
"Mr. Potter. What an honer to meet you. I'm Skylar Granger. Hermione is my stepsister, but I think our story is to long for me to tell you everything now. As I understand we don't have time for that now."
"Right", Harry said. "So Draco, what was Hermione working on?"
"Well, Skylar here has been working on it with her. Lyria too, but not as long as him. He works at Azkaban."
"I thought I recognised you from somewhere", Harry said.
"Long story short, my dad is also Hermione's. He had a drunken night with a witch, my mother, I found out I had a 13 years older sister, met her and after some time we started working on  a case together. She is the editor of the Daily Prophet so I thought it would be a sweet story for the readers"
"Jesus, Skylar, skip it to the part about Bellatrix", Draco hissed.
"Right, mr. Malfoy. So, I noticed that some deatheaters have been acting strange. They were too quiet. Among them were Bellatrix Lestrange, Crabbe and Goyle. It seems we were right. Somehow they escaped from Azkaban and left their doubles on their place"
"Jesus, that's a lot. So where could they have gone? Where could she had taken Hermione and why?", Harry asked.
"I don't know. That is why I took him with me thinking maybe he would know", Draco answered.
"Don't look at me. I'm just a worker at Azkaban, I'm not their friend or family, like Mr.Malfoy here is to know what they have been up to."
"Oh shut up", Draco said. "I haven't been in contact with them for over 20 years. Since the war."
"Well, whatever it is, it isn't good. She was his right hand so whatever she is planning, it must be something to bring his minions back and his regime.", Harry guessed. "I'll have my aurors look under every rock if they must. We need to find her. The last time she was with Bellatrix, she was tortured. She barely survived it."
"I know. That's why I came to you. I'm worried about here. She is strong, but I don't know how long she can take it. Her scar has almost faded, like mine", he showed his dark mark," but I know she still has nightmares about everything that happened back then and she lives at the same house it happened in."
"Hermione is strong, don't worry. I know her. She is smart and brave. She'll find a way to take it until we find here. And we will." Harry reassured Draco, who was shaking just thinking about seing Hermione again unconscious on the floor with blood all over her.

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