The Search Starts

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"The lion and the serpant, golden girl and the follower of the dark. That's you", Lyria said pointing at her parents who were still shocked after hearing the prophecy.
"2 became 8", Lyria continued. "It must be us, our family, but who is the sneeky fox who will turn into a mindless fly?"
"I have an idea", Hermione said. "It is a metaphore. Skylar is a sneeky fox. How he tricked us into believing him and everything. But I don't get it how he will turn into a mindless fly."
"It doesn't matter. You kids have to brew the potion", Pansy said.
"But how, here are only us 4, and Bradley is just 4, Rosalie 10? They can't go alone.",Lavander said.
"They won't have to. As I understood it, each one of us has to get at least one ingredient", Lyria said.
"Correct", Hermione said. "We have to get T.J. and Cameron back home"
"Tom and Angela can go with younger ones", Pansy said.
"So can Niel", Lavander said.
"And I'll get James", Harry said.
"Wait, the last part. A famous person with a deathly hallow. Harry, weren't you the last person with all of the deathly hallows?", Hermione asked.
"I still have the cloak of invisibility, but the stone I threw away and the wand is broken. You saw me when I broke it and threw it away 20 years ago", Harry said.
"The cloak isn't the one they will need. Harry," Hermione looked suspiciously at him" How did you get me out of that cell? You didn't use the spell the deatheaters used to give me food"
"Guilty", he said and showed Elder wand. "But don't think I will give it away. You have to duell me for it", Harry said to the Malfoy siblings.
"Duh, didn't you listen? The prophecy said so", Brianna said.
"It will be the last thing to do. We have to get everyone here first", Lyria said.
"Right, I'll get Angela and Tom. She got back when Bri came and stayed when you were missing so she is at home with Ben and Tom is with Blaise", Pansy said and apparated.
"Niel is here in his room", Lavander stated.
"I'll get my twin. I haven't seen Cam in a while", Brianna said and apparated.
"That leaves T.J. to me", Lyria said, "and James to you", she looked at Harry. He nodded and they both apparated.
An hour later everyone gathered again in Lavander's home. They ecplained what was going on.
"Mum, you were missing and no one told me?!", T.J. yelled at his family when he found out. He gave her a hug so tight and refused to let go.
"I am alright now, honey", she kissed his head.
"Why didn't you come for me?", Cameron asked.
"We need you to finish school. It is important for me", Draco said.
"Enough chitt chatt. We have to divide ourselves into groups", Lyria said.
"T.J. you are scared of the dark forest, so you will be the one to get us the bloomix flower as well as the pheonix's feather since Fawkes was last seen there", she said.
"Why me?", he said still not letting go of his mum.
"Don't worry. I'm going with you," Angela said and T.J. felt better that his Slytherin family friend will be going with him. She may be older than him. She is Lyria's classmate, but she was the one Zabini he had the most fun with at Hogwarts.
"Anywho, Bradley will go with Brianna and Niel to get the fairyplum and unicorn's tear. Remember Bri you get one and Bradley one. It seems only T.J. is destined to get 2 of the ingredients."
Brianna nodded.
"Rosalie, you and James will go to find the indigo colour, although I have to say I don't know how you are going to nanage that."
"Don't worry, sister. I'll find a way", Rosalie reassured her.
"Cam, you are going to get the water of the 3 ocean's with Tom's help and I guess I'll battle Harry for the wand."
"Good luck, sis. You're going to need it since you are battling the chosen one", Cameron said and smirked. She shoved him.
"Right. So we better get going", Angela said and she and T.J. apparated.
"Good luck", Hermione said as her kids apparated on their quest to save the Wizarding world. This time it was their turn.
T.J. and Angela showed up in the Dark forest surrounding Hogwarts.
"Long time no see, huh", Angela said.
"Right, I was here 2 hours ago", T.J. responded.
"Little prankster, I was talking about me", Angela said.
"Right, sorry."
"Now, how does this flower look like, any ideas?", she asked him
"Maybe we should have first asked someone and than apparate", T.J. said.
"Too late. Who is your herbology teacher? Is it still Sprout?"
"No, she retired last year. Neville Longbottom is now the professor."
"And where do we find him?"
"Well, let me see. I was last here 2 hours ago. Then it was 18 o'clock. So now it is around 20. He must be at the Great hall at dinner. I'll get him to Hagrid's hut and you wait for me there"
"Sure, whatever you say big guy", Angela said and they parted.
When T.J. got to the Great hall, he saw Neville standing up and leaving so he cought on to him.
"Proffesor, wait!", he said.
"Mr. Malfoy?"
"Proffesor, I need your help. It is important. Outside this wall the war has started."
Neville looked at T.J. as he was a fool.
"Is this one of your pranks, mr. Malfoy?"
"No, I am telling the true. Come with me, please and you'll find out for your self.
He grabbed Neville's hand and started pulling him towards Hagrid's hut.
"Finally", Angela said.
"Miss Zabini?"
"Hi.",she said. "Professor we don't have much time. We have 2 days to get the ingredients. How does a bloomix flowed look like?"
"A bloomix flower. It is a rare flower that grows in the dark forest. Why?"
"For a potion to stop the war. How does it look like?
"So he was telling the truth. Well it is orange flower that shines brightly in the dark. It likes wet ground and it has to be somewhere near the water so I suggest you try and look for it on the edge of the forest near the lake."
"Thank you proffesor", and they left.
When they got to the lake side that was facing the forest T.J. started to shiver.
"Chill", Angela said.
"I hate dark", he said, turned on his wand by Lumos maxima and they went inside the forest. It was dark and spooky. They could hear the wind blowing through the branches of the trees. It sounded like shrieks. They walked deeper into the forest when they saw a weak light coming from there.
"That must be it." They looked at eachother and ran towards the light. When they got there they saw a magnificent orange flower shining. T.J. took it and put it in his bag that he carried for the ingredients.
"Now, where do we find that bloody pigeon?", Angela asked.
"If you say it is a pigeon, we will never find it. It is a nobel bird. Like a hippogriff it can get offemded easily."
"Someone has listened to Hagrid's teachings"
"Well it is one of classes I am actually interested in", T.J. answered.
"Right, so Mr. Beast-know -it-all, where do we find it?"
"Fawks needs water. I think he was suppoesed to reborn again a few days ago so he will have to need water."
"To the lake then"
They got back the same way they got from. The lake was still. No one was out except for them two. Students were finishing dinner and going to bed. They heard strange noises coming from one tree.
"It is Fawkes. Those are baby pheonix's shrieks", T.J. said.
They ran towards the tree the noises came from.  A small orange-red bird was shrieking for help. Fawkes was cought in some branches and couldn't move. T.J. said Angela to levitate him so he could untie Fawkes. He did it successfuly and Fawkes granted him promision to take its feather. Once they got their ingredients, Angela apparated them back to Lavander's house.

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