The Last Ingredients

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Cameron went with Tom on his mission to get the water of all three great oceans- Pacific, Indian and Atlantic. If was a simple task. They just had to apparate from one place to another and get water in three little bottles made for it. First they went to Los Angeles where Cameron had studied to get the water from the Pacific ocean. Then they apparated to Rio de Janeiro to get the water from the Atlantic and the last stop was the Indian. They got to Mumbai. As they went to the beach to get the last drop of water, Tom stopped.
"What is it Tom? You've been awfully quiet."
"Oh, nothing. I've been just thinking about something"
"You know, I actually don't get it why Lyria sent you with me. I mean this is a pretty easy task. Just apparate from one place ro another, get the water in the bottle and get going"
" wasn't to help you actually. I needed to talk to you in private."
"What is it Tom?"
"You know I've been dating your sister for quite some time now, right?"
"Well, what would you say if we decided to tie the knot?"
"You want to marry my sister?"
"I am happy for you. Really. But why did you feel the urge to talk to me about it? You do know my father right?"
"The funny thing is he said to talk to you. He was fine about it. I saw how protecrive of your sisters you can be"
"Of Brianna sure. She is my twin after all and she sometimes doesn't think clearly. She dated Potter for god's sake, but Lyria is my older sister. She takes care of me. She is smart. She knows what she is doing and you are my father's best friend's kid. You are like family already"
"I saw you at the christmas party when that Skylar guy started the drama so you had to kick him out."
"Oh, that. Yeah, Lyria could handle it quite well, but Skylar wasn't going so I had to step in. It took 3 of us to kick him out and under a threat to call our father"
"So you approve?"
"Of course I do. But when we are talking about that already, what would you say if I wanted to marry Amber?"
"I'd say go for it, but I think you should wait for a couple of years. At leats until you both finish college"
"Of course, just wanted to hear your opinion", Cameron said as he took the last bottle to pour water from the ocean in. Once they had done it, they apparated back to Lavander's place.
"Oh, great everyone is here. We have everything, except for the wand", Lyria said as Cameron and Tom apparated in the middle of Lavander's living room. She looked at Harry. She was the last one. She had to beat the chosen one, the boy who lived.
"Not in my house. Children are here. Please, take it outside", Lavander said.
Harry and Lyria both went outside, leaving the families inside. Lyria begged them not to watch as it nade her more nervous than she already was.
When they came outside, there was a big field surrounding the house. The first neighbours were on the other side of the field so they were free to duell without any disturbances. They both got their wands ready. They bowed to each other and counted 10 steps in their dirrection.
"Scarred Potter?", Lyria asked.
Harry smilled at that remembering his duell with Draco at their 2nd year.
"You wish!", Harry said.
He shot the Expeliarmus spell at her, but she saw it comming so she had Protego cast.
"Very well, little Malfoy. But can you shield yourself from this?", Harry said and cast Sectumsempra at her.
"You battle like a grandma", she said. "How did you even defeat Voldemort all those years ago with only 2 spells", she mocked.
"I guess I had something up my sleeve", but she took that chance he was talking to hit him with Stupify. He flew 10 metars away.
"Not bad", he said as he got back up. She casted another Stupify, but he blocked it. Spells were flying around as each of them shielded themselves successfuly.
"Confundo", Lyria hit Harry with her spell and he got all confused. She than hit him with a babelling spell so he couldn't cast another one at her. She finished with a locomotor mortis and Harry fell down. She had won the duell and with it the Elder wand's trust. It was hers, well at leat for some time.
When Harry got back up again and congradulated her he said: "I would like a revange to get my wand back"
She smirked a famous Malfoy smirk.
They got back inside and she waved with her new wand happily. Everyone congradulated her on her victory. The last thing to do was brew the potion. They had to hurry, because it needed one whole day to be completed. Each of her siblings put their found ingredisnt in the kettle that she made by transfigurating a table in front of her into it. Lavander wasn't to happy to see her new table turn into a kettle.
"Incendio", she casted and the fire turned on under the kettle. It started heating up and the potion was cooking. Now, they had to prepare for the battle.
"Where would we use it?", Brianna asked.
"What do you do when you want to take over and you already killed the minister?", Lyria asked.
There was silence for a moment when Hermione spoke.
"I think I would want to make everyone see how powerful I am and tell the news of my new found victory to the world"
"But where would you go then?", Harry asked.
"Really Harry? I need to explain that to you?", she asked him with a mocking tone. He looked at her waiting for an explanation.
"The Diagon Alley? Sounds familiar? It is the center of the Wizarding London", she said.
"Right, then we go there first thing after the potion is done.", Harry concluded.
Everyone looked at him now really asking themselves how did he manage to defeat Voldemort when he couldn't have figured that out on his own.

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