All Cards On The Table

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Draco came home with all the new information. He finally got to know the mysterious man. He had to talk with his wife about all of that. When he steped into the living room, he was alone. It seemed like his whole family was still on their trip. He took that time to go back to his conversation with Skylar and think about everything.
Soon Hermione and the kids came home. "Honney, are you home?", she asked.
"Yes, dear. I'm here in the living room"
They all came to greet him.
"So how was your day?", he asked them.
"It was unbelievable!"T.J said. "Mum took us to see Edinburgh."
"Edinburgh? You went all the way to Scotland?"
"I thought there would be something for everyone", Hermione said. "And they have never been to Scotland."
"It was a great idea", Lyria said. "Mum, Rosa and I went to explore their castle and museums and history. It is fascinating. Did you know Queen Mary was actually a witch. Ste Stuart dynasty were purebloods. Valois family her first husband was from were also Purebloods. But her biggest rival, her cousin Queen Elizabeth, she wasn't a pureblood. She was envious because her mother was a muggle who married her pureblood father. Mary always found herslef strong pureblood alays so Elizabeth had to get her off of her back so she had her killed."
"I must admit. It is interessting. What did you do?", Draco asked Cameron.
"Bri found some fun park. We were there until Bradley here got hungry so we went to meet with mum and girls for lunch. Then T.J. ran off and I had to chase after him only to see him watch some knights fight. So we all stayed to watch the match. It was probably the highlight of the day."
"It was great to see them all together enjoy as a family. It's such a shame you couldn't come", Hermione said to him.
"Well, my day wasn't boring at all. Skylar came to visit."
Hermione was shocked. "Well then, I take it you know everything."
"I like to think so, but I'll rather hear it from you"
"Very well than. Kids, please go to your rooms. Your father and I have something to talk about"
When the kids left the room, she sat next to him on the couch and turned to see him face to face.
"So what do you want to know?"
"Skylar told me he is your 13 years younger stepbrother on your father's side. He is a wizard and he told me about my aunt still being alive and trying to reccrute my ex friends and the rest of deatheaters, until she got caught and now she is acting strange so he wants to know about her from me, but I said I'll talk only with you about it. I trust only you"
"Then there is nothing else to share with you. What he told you was the whole truth. I told you there was nothing to worry about", she kissed him.
"I would just like I found out from you, without those pictures and everything"
"I know. I'm sorry. But I don't know who sent you the pictures."
"I think I have the pretty good idea who might have that been."
"It was me",Lyria said. "Sorry mum, I know I promised I won't tell anything, but I thought dad should've known. I don't trust him. I'm sorry, but I just don't. I thought it was a good idea to get dad involved"
"Don't worry honney. You did the right thing. I don't trust him either", Draco said and hugged his firstborn.
"Lyria, you should've talked to me. If you told me about your worries this would all play out differently. He is my stepbrother and that is a straight fact, but he still doesn't have my full trust. It is weird how he approached me, but I have to admit he is helping me. A lot. So you both don't have to worry about me. Alright?", she looked at both of them.
"Mum, I just don't want you get hurt." Lyria came to her mother and hugged her. Hermione kissed her forhead and hugged her.
"Love, I'm just worried something doesn't happen to you. I would feel a lot better if you took Lyria with you. I can survive without her until you finish your case."
"I think it's a great idea dad. I think I'm already involved in the case so much that I can be an asset to the team."
Hermione laughed." Fine. You are the smartest person I know so with you we'll get to the bottom of that mystery. And love, don't worry. We have the biggest brains in our family. I think no one would dare to hurt us. We know twice as much spells as anyone." Hermione kissed her husband on his cheek and put her head in his lap. He put his hand on her head and started going with his hand through her long and curly brown hair. He looked down at her hazel eyes that were reassuring him everything is just going to be fine.

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