Can't Believe My Own Eyes

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Draco was nervously pacing around Harry's office at the Ministry in the centre of London.
"Would you please stop pacing, Draco. I can't concentrate like this.", Harry said.
"Sorry, Harry, but I can't be still and do nothing. Please, let me do something."
"What can I give you to do? You have to let me and my aurors to work. Your kids need you."
"Look, Potter, my wife has been missing for 2 months. We still have got no clue about here whereabouts and who knows what my crazy aunt is doing to her right now. How can you expect from me to calm down and go home?"
"I understand Draco, I really do. I miss her to. She is my best friend and she is like a sister to me, but believe me when I say we are going to find her. Just go home and be with your kids. Little Bradley needs you."
"Uf, I hate it when you are right, but call me as soon as you have something, alright Harry?"
"Yes, now go", and Draco apparated himself home. He went straight into his home office, where he found Skylar waiting for him.
"What do you want?"
"Well Mr.Malfoy, I wanted to say my goodbyes. My sister has been missing for 2 months now and I'm sorry, but I have something more important to do."
"More important than finding your stepsister?"
"This has been waiting for me for quite some time now and it can't be delayed anymore." With that said Skylar went outside Draco's office and apparated himself.
"I knew he won't be any help", Draco said to himself. He started going throught the papers on his desk. There were some documents that needed his signature. Even though Blaise was in charge of the WizCorp while he was looking for Hermione, there were some things that needed his signature. He started going through paperes signing them without even reading them, when someone knocked on his doors. Lyria came inside carrying Bradley.
"Dad, is there anything knew?", she asked him.
"No, honey. Aurors haven't got a single clue to start a search after her. I don't know what to do anymore. I'm desperate." Lyria put Bradley down and hugged Draco.
"Dad, we will find her. We don't need some aurors who don't even care about her. We will find her.", she kissed his cheek.
"I don't know what I would do if youand Bri weren't here."
"Did someone say my name?", Brianna showed at the doors.
"Oh, my two big girls. Bri, I'm happy you stayed with us. I don't know how I would have dealt with Rosalie and Bradley, hotels and the case without you two"
"Dad, I had to stay. If I was more careful, I would have noticed how "mum" was acting strange that day Bellatrix took Rosalie and Lilly"
"It's not your fault, Bri", Lyria said. They  both hugged their dad, when Rosalie ran in saying: "No hugging without me", and ran into their hug.
"Dad, listen, you deal with the hotels, Blaise needs you. Tom said he is more confused than he was looking at Ben's algebra textbook", Lyria said. Draco laughed at the idea of Blaise trying to figure out algebra his youngest son was having troubles with a few years ago before he went to Hogwarts.
"That's the spirit dad. Now deal with this papers and go to your real office and help him, me and Bri will take care of the house." He kissed his two oldest daugters, hugged his remaining family and apparated with the papers out of the house.
"Lyria, I know that look. What did you find?", Brianna asked her sister.
"I was going through everything we know about Bellatrix and mum's abduction. Some things don't add up."
"Shouldn't we call Cam and T.J.? They might help."
"No, Bri. You know how T.J. is. If he knew mum was missing, he would flip. He is mum's little boy. He has it hard enough this year at Hogwarts without us. Dad agreed he should stay there and concentrate on his schoolwork. And Cam is abroad. He needs to finish his year. Dad needs him to finish of college fast. If he went home to search for mum, he would have to stay at college not 4 more years, but 5."
"Fine. Whatever you say Lyria. But what do you mean something doesn't add up?"
"I mean, how did Bellatrix get mum's DNA to turn herself into mum with the help of polyjuice potion? And how did she know mum wasn't at home? And how did she know so much about the family, when she hasn't even met any of us? I mean the only one who was all the time with mum for months was Skylar when they were working on a case together. And the question is how did Bellatrix even escape from Azkaban? Skylar works there. And he knows us. He is the only link to everything. And you have to admit, he showed up at a strange time, all mysterious. I knew something wasn't right with him, but I never knew what. I think Skylar has something to do with mum's dissappearance. I just don't know what."
"Oh, when you say it like that he sounds guilty. You know what, he even left the house today saying he has something more important to do than helping us find mum."
"You see. We have to find something more about him."
"Will this help?", Rosalie asked.
"Rosalie, how long have you been listening? Where is Bradley?"
"Long enough to know you think Skylar has something to do with this and I might have proof. Ans Bradley is sleeping"
"What proof?",Brianna asked.
"Remember dad's photos with mum and Skylar when he didn't know who je was?"
The both of them nodded.
"Well, look closer. You can see a mirror reflection on this one. Looks familiar?"
"Bellatrix took the pictures. But how is that a proof?", Brianna asked.
"Lyria, remember when you were helping mum get rid of Ron?"
"Well, look at your footage. Here in the background, you didn't even notice that Skylar was there. And look who is next to him. I know the person looks different, but look at the table. A crooked wand."
"It belongs to Bellatrix. Rosalie, you are a genius. I can't believe my eyes. It was there the whole time. Bri, call dad and tell him to meet us at the Ministry in Harry's office, I'll call him telling him we are coming. Rosalie, wake Bradley up, you two are coming with", Lyria said and went over to the phone.

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