Him Again?!

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Brianna looked at Draco. He was red with anger.
"Dad, I get it that you aren't a fan of his dad, but I'm with him. You can't be mad at me for dating a Potter." Brianna spoke carefuly explaining Draco.
He looked at her for a moment.
"You", he spoke to James. "Does your  father no about this?"
"No, sir. Only my mother knows, but I think you already knew that."
"She knows everything about everyone, but Bri, honey, who else knows about this?
"Mum knows." She shrugged her shoulders. "And Lyria too".
"Great, am I the only one who doesn't know about this?",he pointed at the two of them.
"No, dad, it seems like I didn't know either", Draco heard from behind his back. It was Cameron with his girlfriend Amber Zabini.
"Bri, why didn't you tell me?",Cameron asked her.
"I knew you would freek out", she told him.
"Damn right I will", Cameron let go of Amber's hand, pressed his fists and came towards James.
"Cam, son, stop. He isn't worth it." Draco put Cameron's fist down. "You let me finish this. Go and prepare for your finals. "
As Cameron left, Draco asked Brianna:" So, how long has been going on for?"
"Almost two years."
"So you are the reason her grades slipped and why she got in so much trouble lately!", Draco pointed at him.
"No, dad. I'm the reason why my grades are slipping. I just don't care about them and learning. I want to live my school days, not waste them learning."
"Bri, oh, I don't know...", for a moment he turned his head and saw the man from the photos.
"You know what, find T.J. and get him in the Gret Hall. I'll meet him there. I have something else to do" and he left.
He started going towards the room that man just walked out of, but he suddenly stopped. He saw Hermione walking out of the same room, saying something to the person who was still in the room and walked towards the mystery man.
Draco had thought she was at work, but she was here, at Hogwarts with that man. He immediately rushed to the Great Hall to pick T.J. up. He was there saying his goodbyes. The 13yearold boy was hugging his friends, when Draco took him by the hand without a word and went outside so he could apparate them home.
When he came home, Hermione was already there. She looked surprised when she saw her son at home, when he was suppoesed to be at school.
"Draco, why is T.J. with you?"
"Later. We have something else to talk about".
"Alright. T.J. go upstairs and say hi to your sister and brother."
When T.J. left, Draco started walking across the living room, while she sat on the couch.
"Honey, what's wrong? Why are you like that?"
"Where were you an hour ago?"
"At work, why?"
"I saw you at Hogwarts with the man from the photos. Tell me, how is that work?"
"Was that why you were at school? Did you follow me?"
"No, how could  you even think that?!", he raised his voice. "T.J. made a mess and he is suspended for the rest of the school year so I had to go because you were at "work"",he made quotation marks with his fingers.
"Suspended?! McGonagall wouldn't suspend him. Sure he would get in lifelong detention, but she wouldn't suspend him"
"You can thank your ex's brother Percy for suspending him. In fact he would expell him if it was up to him, but that's not the point."
"Let me guess. You want to know what I was doing at Hogwarts."
He nodded.
"I was there to talk with McGonagall about a case I'm writing about. As you already know, deatheaters are locked up in Azkaban, but something has changed. They aren't communicating with guards. Try are behaving weird. The man you saw me works at Azkaban so he brought that to my attention. McGonagall is helping me how to tell it to the Minister."
"Alright, but why are you acting so intimately around him? Hugging him, giggling, kissing his cheeks? I know the pictures aren't fake because I saw you hugging him at Hogwarts.",Draco asked her.
"As I already have told you, you are the only man in my life besides Cameron, T.J. and Bradley. You and the kids are my life. I don't know how to show it to you that I'm not cheeting on you. It would destroy me and our family and I don't want that. I love you more than anyone. How can I show it to you?"
"It's simple. Tell me who that man is."
"I promise you I will tell you everything about him and me, but I have promised someone I won't talk about him yet. It is a story for another time. Believe me. You will be shocked as I was when I heard the whole story."
"Fine. I'll let it go. For now. But explain me something else then. How long have you known about Bri and Potter?"
She kissed him and started laughing.
"What's so funny?"
"Oh, Draco. I knew before Ginny. I saw how she looked at James for the past two years at our Christmas partys, birthdays, everything. Ginny just confirmed my theory when she saw them kissing at Bradley's third birthday almost a year ago."
"Why didn't you tell me? I think I would have handeled it better if I knew"
"No, you wouldn't, but the positive side is that Harry would handel it much worse than you. And he still doesn't know."
Draco thought about her words.
"Fine then. I'm just happy I found out before Potter. But don't think I forgot about our talk earlier. I expect you to tell me everything. First this time."
"I can't. Lyria knows already. She thought exactly the same thing as you when she saw as at that café the picture was taken in so I had to explain it to her. And McGonagall knows because of all this about Azkaban, but you are te next one. Don't worry." She pressed a light kiss on his lips. He thought about what she had just said, but then he kissed her back. He loved her and she loved him. It was the only thing that mattered at the moment.

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