Secrets...What's Up With That?

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Brianna was shocked. She knew her older sister very well. If anything everything had to be acording to rules and she broke one of them. Lyria will tell on her.
"Lyria, stop please! Let's talk!", she shouted at her sister who was already half way across the halway when Brianna saw her stop. She could she only her platinum blond curly hair. Lyria suddenly turned around. Her greyish eyes shined in semi-dark hallway.
"Hm...I have an idea..."
"What I'll do anything, just please don't tell anyone, esspecialy dad," Brianna said. She was slightly shocked that Lyria wanted her to do something instead.
"Well I won't tell dad that you are dating James Potter, if you send something for me. But this must stay a secret."
Brianna was looking at her eyes. They were dead serious.
"Alright, but don't tell dad."
"I won't tell him that you are dating his enemy's son even though mum is best friend with his mother, but send this letter. It is very important that it gets to the reciever. And no one must know about this, got it", Lyria said. Then she gave Brianna a letter adressed to L. Weasley. She asked her self why would Lyria be sending a letter to the woman who was the reason why their mother hates Ron. But she kept quiet. Lyria went back to the ball and Brianna went to send the letter. As soon as she sends it, she can get back to her boyfriend.
A week after, kids went back to their families over chritmas holidays. Malfoys had to prepare everything for their annual christmas party. Everything had to be perfect. Lyria was the one who had to apparate her siblings to the manor because her parents were buisy with preparations. As they came home T.J. started yelling:"Mum!Dad! We are back!"
Lyria was surprised. Where were their parents and her youngest siblings? She went to see if their father is at his office...empty. Maybe their mother is in the kitchen, but somehow hasn't heard them coming in...empty again. Where is everyone?
"Lyria, come her a bit", she heard her brother Cameron calling.
"What is it, Cam?", she asked her tall sibling. He puffed his brown hair that was covering his grey eyes and said:
"See this", he showed her a note.
"Hmm, it says they went shopping for decorations, but we have decorations from last year. Why do we need new ones?"
"I don't know, but they aren't here. First time we have a bit time for ourselves at this huge house," Cameron said with a smirk.
"Well then, do what you please. Bri,"she said to her sister."I need to talk to you, alone."
Brianna stayed behind, while boys went in the kitchen. Hermione never lets boys, except Bradley who is always with her, in the kitchen, not even Draco because they tend to do a huge mess, so Cameron and T.J. found an oportunity to explore the kitchen and joke with their mother. They changed salt and suger. Then they tried to make themselves a hot chocolate with marshmellows, but chocolate was everywhere except their cups and marshmellows were all over the floor.
"Well T.J. I think our job here is done. Maybe we can order some hot chocolate?", Cameron asked.
"Congrats to us. I think we deserve some prize for this masterpiece", he looked at the messy kitchen. "Dad should be proud. We showed our Slytherin spirit."
Meanwhile in the living room Lyria was quietly talking with Brianna.
"So did you do it. I mean sent the letter. It is important that it is sent until Christmas party", Lyria said almost whispering.
"Yes, I did. But why were you sending it to Weasley's wife? Mum hates them both", Brianna asked her sister.
"Shhh! Boys could hear you. It is important. It is non of your bussiness, but it is actually for mum."
"But, does she know you are doing it for her?",Brianna asked carefuly.
"She knows. She asked me to send it in secret."
"Well then alright."
"Kids we are back!", they heard their mother yelling.
Everyone came straight toward where they heard the voice coming from.
"Oh, how I missed you!", Hermione said. "Come here and give me a hug"
T.J. came running into her arms. Although he was a prankster like his dad, he was his mum's son.
Cameron came after him to kiss his mum on the cheek and took Bradley from her arms.
"Hi, pal! How are you today? What have you been doing while we weren't here?", Cameron asked his youngest brother. Bradley just smilled and put his little finger on his lips.
"Oh, it is a secret. Well alright then. Wanna play outside?", Cameron took him by his little hands, said hi to his dad and went outside.
"Bri, Lyria? Where are you girls?", Draco asked.
"Not a word to dad", Lyria said to Brianna. "Coming dad!", she then yelled.
"Oh, here are my two beautiful girls", he smilled at them and gave each a kiss on forhead.
"Dad, why were you shopping for decor when we had it from last year?", Lyria asked.
"My Lyria, always asking straight. Well dear, you know your mum. She said this party has to be perfect this year, but she didn't tell me why. She says it is a secret."
"Well if you say so", Lyria said and went to give her mom a hug.
"Lyria, honney. How are you?Are you ready for your finals? You know that when you get back you won't have much time to prepare?", Hermione asked her oldest daughter.
"Yes mum. You know me. I have been ready for this finals since summer."
"That's my girl", she gave her a hug and a kiss on her forhead.
"I'm going to read a bit in the garden. I suggest you don't go in the kitchen. Boys have used the empty house to go there", she said and went outside where Cameron was playing with Bradley.
Hermione just looked at T.J. who was talking with Draco about some prank he had pulled on his Gryffindor classmates. Draco was laughing and she couldn't hide her smile. She had her whole family back at home. She then went to kitchen to see what boys did. When she saw what mess they had left, she was gobsmacked. "Taylor James and Cameron Ross! What have I said about messing with MY kitchen?!", she yelled.
Brianna came to her with Rosalie.
"Mum, calm down. It is just a kitchen", she said.
"Bri, I love you and I love them but I...I...I need it clean."
"Why do you need it clean? The party is in 4 days. You have enough time to clean it", Brianna said.
"This party has to be perfect and it won't be if my kitchen looks like that. I don't have time for this. I have only two days to make everything ready," she said nervously.
"Mum, is the party not in 4 days?", Rosalie asked her.
"Yes it is, but something much more important is in 2 days", she said and kissed her daughter on the cheek.
"What, mum?", Roaslie asked.
"Well, I can't tell you that. It is a secret."
"Why does everything in this family always have to be a secret?", Brianna asked annoyingly.

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