It's begun

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Draco apparated with Hermione in his arms in the manor.
"Draco where are the kids?", she asked him.
"Don't worry. They are with Lilly at Lavander's.
"We have to go. It is starting again. We have to get our kids", she started.
"Hermione, what are you talking about? What is starting again?", Harry who came just seconds later with Lyria and Brianna asked confused.
"The war!", she said.
"I don't get it. Voldemort is dead.", Harry said.
"Not him. He was never our greatest fear. She was. She was planning it for 25 years."
"Who?", Draco asked.
"You will have to explain", Harry said.
"Look, Skylar is her son. Bellatrix was the witch who seduced my drunk dad that one night 25 years ago. She was never Voldemort's follower. She worked for herself. She intends to be the Dark Queen or something. She has an army even bigger than he had. I've seen it. We have to get the kids."
"How do you know all of that?", Harry asked still trying to process everything she had just said.
"She told me. She said I was the one who would figure it all out because I was trying to find out everything that's been going on at Azkaban. She said I was the reason Voldemort lost and she said that you Harry and Ron are to  stupid to put something together amd figure it out. Honestly, sorry but she has a good point since it took you 2 months to find me", she said with anger in her voice.
"Sorry, we didn't know where to look",Harry apologised.
"Then, how did you find me?"
"Rosalie", Draco said.
She looked at him in confusion. She was still in his arms.
"She put the pieces together and Lyria new something about Skylar wasn't right. They are a replica of you", Draco said.
"Whatever, we don't have time. They went to the Ministry. It is starting. They are going to take over.", Hermione said with worry in her voice.
"You, dear are going nowhere.", Draco said.
"What?! Why?!"
"You are to weak. You are exhausted. Look at yourself. You look like a sceleton"
"Even a sceleton can fight. We have to save our kids. We have to stop it"
"Hermione, Draco is right. We will deal with it.", Harry said.
"How Harry, they left like an hour before you came for me? They are already there! You need me!"
"No, our kids need their mother strong again to protect them", Draco told her.
"You are going with the girls to Lavander's. Take car of our kids. T.J. should be safe at Hogwarts since how it seems Bellatrix isn't interessted in killing a student and Cameron is half way across the globe. Pansy will meet you there", he kissed her deeply, put her down to stand on her own to feet and apparated with Harry.
Lyria and Brianna came each one one side of Hermione to help her stand. Lyria waved her wand and the three of them apparated.
They showed at Lavander's doorstep. When they came in, Hermione fell on the floor from exhaustion. Lavander and Pansy ran towards her to help her get up.
"You found her", Pansy said. "Where, when, how?", she started asking.
"Later", Lyria said and they carried Hermione to the couch.
"Mum!", Rosalie came running towards exhausted Hermione who was laying on the couch in Lavander's living room.
"Rosalie, not now. Where is Bradley?", Lyria told her little sister.
"He is in the room there", Lavander said and pointed at the end of the hallway.
"I'll get him", Brianna said and went.
"How is mum?", Rosalie asked Lyria.
"Weak, tired as you can see. We found her in a dungeoun in a basement of a filthy old house. She was laying there in the dark. As you can see she had chains around her wrists and legs. When we found her, she didn't have them. They must have made a conclusion that she was to weak to escape them.", Lyria explained.
"But how did you even find her?", Pansy asked.
"We put two and two together. I thought Rosalie here explained you",Lyria said.
"Well, I got here like only 5 minutes before you. Your father managed to call me when you found her and told me to pick Rosalie and Bradley up. He didn't mention you coming here", Panyy explained.
"It wasn't the plan. Mum instisted on going with dad and Harry to the Ministry to stop Bellatrix and her son, Skylar from taking over the Wizarding world. Dad found it was a better idea she came here. Seems he was right."
"Sklyar, as in her stepbrother?!", Pansy and Lavander asked.
"Long story short, Bellatrix planned it for 25 years. She was never Voldemort's follower. She did it for herself. Skylar was a part of her deluded plan to take over as Dark Queen or something and mum was a pin in her shoe as the brightest witch of her age"
"O bloody hell", Lavander said.
Then Brianna came from the room at the end of the hallway with Bradley and Lilly. Bradley wanted to see his mother so he walked over tothe couch and started crying. At that cry Hermione woke up and saw her son crying. She put him in her lap and hugged him tight. The Malfoy girls came to her and sat next to her. She started kissing each one of them with tears in her eyes. She was happy she was reunited with her family, but at the same time she remembered Draco went to the Ministry. It was a suicide mission and she worried about him.
When Draco and Harry came at the ministry they saw chaos. Green spells were flying. People with black hoods on where casting killing curses at everyone who moved. Draco and Harry were still unseen so they took the chance to get to the Minister's office. On their way there they crossed over dead bodies. Some of them they could recognise as their friends who worked at the Ministry like Susan Bones, Hannah Abott, Marcus Flint, Seamus Finnigan, Oliver Wood. Harry's aurors were all dead. As they came to the Minister's office, they didn't have to enter to see through the glass door Kingsley Shacklebolt's dead body. His head was laying on the door. The Ministry has fallen once again and the Third Wizarding War has begun.

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