The Battle At Diagon Alley

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The next morning potion was ready. Lyria put it in 5 bottles to take it with her. They still hadn't got a clue what it does, but they were certain it would work. Somehow. Cameron and Tom took Rosalie, Lilly, T.J., Rose and Bradley to Hogwarts since it was the safest place for them to be until it is over. Bellatrix wasn't interessted in killing a kid so Hogwarts was a place to be. T.J. protested because he wanted to help, but he was glad to see his friends again and tell them what had happened. Cameron wanted to see his girlfriemd Amber Zabini again since he hasn't seen her in almost a year and Tom went to say hi to her and his youngest brother Ben. The others went straight to the centre of the Wizarding London, the famous Diagon Alley. When they got there, they saw chaos. All around them were flying deatheaters casting spells and destroying buildings. Innocent people were running on the street screaming for help. There were giants smashing their hands on every building that got in their way. Gringotts seemed to be the problem. It was a dortress now. Since Harry almost destroyed it 20 years ago with the dragon hidden under the bank, goblins thought it would be a good idea to reinforce it. 3 giants were smashing their hands at the  bank's roof, but it stood still. It didn't break. Dwarfs were there shoothing  arrows with fire on them. The houses were burning.
Harry had called Ginny to come home and help. She was worried for the kids, but he reassured her they were safe. She was there, fighting along side her son, husband, brothers and best friend. The Weasleys were there too. George, Angelina, Bill, Fleur, their eldest kids. Harry also called his friends from Dumbledore's Army Neville, Luna, Cho, Creevey brothers and others. Some Hogwarts professors decided to join the fight too. Zabinis were there too. To the last war surviviors it seemed the same. They have seen the terror then they see it now. Flashbacks hit them. They saw dead people laying on the street. They didn't know them, but the flashbacks turned those dead bodies to look familiar. They saw Fred, Tonks, Lupin, Sirius. All those warriors of the last war. Teddy Lupin saw this image of his parents who he didn't know laying on the floor holding hands.
Bellatrix and Skylar saw the group fighting their deatheaters so they joined the fight. Skylar was fighting Hermione and Draco, Bellatrix fought Lavander, Cho, Ginny, Luna and Pansy. The kids who came to fight, Lyria, Brianna, Cameron, James, Tom, Angela, Niel were trying to figure out what to do with the potion.
Cameron came up with the idea to put the wand in the potion and shoot a spell somewhere to see what it does. The idea was stupid, but Lyria tried it anyways. She shot it at Skylar who was fighting her parents. It missed him, but it hit the moon in his background. The moon started growing until it changed to full moon.
Suddenly, Skylar started shaking and growling. He fell onto his knees and his hands became claws. He turned into a werewolf.
"I don't get it", James said.
"I do. A midless fly. A werewolf. Of course", Lyria said.
Everyone looked at her.
"Honestly, don't you read? Once you change into a werewolf, you can't think clearly. You became obsessed with the moonlight and howling, so Skylar may be a werewolf, but we can easily catch him now he can't shoot spells at us", she explained. Hermione figured it out whilr Lyria was explaining and she told Draco to shoot magic ropes around Skylar's neck. Harry and Bill came to support. The kids went to fight other deatheaters, but they weren't the problem. Bellatrix was. She casted a spell so powerful that it sent Ginny, Cho, Luna and Pansy flying in the air and hitting the ground hard. They were unconscious. Brianna saw that and came to fight Bellatrix alone. Bellatrix laughed. She found it funny how that little girl thought she could beat her.
When Hermione saw that, she put her magical rope around Skylar's neck down and went to fight her. George had to fill in for her as Skylar's werewolf strenght was enormous.
"Not my daughter, you bitch!", Hermione yelled and steped in to fight Bellateix.
She laughed evily. "The history repeats itself"
"Shut up and fight!", Hermione yelled and started casting the spells. She alone was fighting with Bellatrix while others were fighting other deatheaters. Lavander was tending to help still unconcious Ginny, Cho, Luna and Pansy with Lyria and Angela. The twins were fighting Crabbe and Goyle. The two Slytherin pranksters knew their weakspots. Cameron made cupcakes appear behind them as Brianna said" Look, cupcakes!" The two idiots turned around to get the cupcakes and the twins shot them from behind with Stupify.
Hermione was still exhausted from her imprisonment but she found strenght to fight her of. She had to do it for her family. She found the strenght to do something unforgiveable. She shot a killing curse right at Bellatrix. She was surprised the Golden Girl did something illegal that she didn't dodge the spell. It hit her right in her chest and Bellatrix fell dead on the floor. When she and Skylar were defeated, the rest was easier. Other deatheaters were pretty mindless without their leaders so the group finished them of without a lot of hard work put into it.
The War was over. The good has won once again. Harry, Draco, Bill and George transported Skylar to Azkaban and Blaise, Neville and Hogwarts proffesors took the remaining deatheaters there. The war wasn't without big losses. Unfortunately, Cho Chang got hit with Bellatrix's spell the hardest and didn't survive. Some of the Proffesors died too. Ginny, Pansy and Luna were sent to St. Mungos as well as Hermione who fell on the floor unconscious after killing Bellatrix Lestrange. The kids survived their first and hipefully last war. The surviviors hoped it meant they could finally get on with their lives in the New World.

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