So That's Who You Are

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The school year has finnaly ended. The twins have finished their Hogwarts years. All Malfoy kids were at home. It was a peaceful friday. Hermione took a day off to spend with all her children. So did Lyria to spend some time with her siblings. Draco couldn't take a day off because he had to deal with something at work. He was sitting in his office, when he heard a knock on his door.
"Come in", he said not lifting his look from papers he had in front of him.
"Oh Blaise, what is it now?"
"Nothing mate, I just came in to see how you're doing. I know your whole family is hanging out and your here behind your desk. It's kind of sad"
"Well, I had to deal with this", he showed Blaise a document.
"Hm, I thought everything was going as planned in Vegas"
"Well it seems they had a delay because of some issues they came across. I think I'll have to fly over there to see what's going on"
"Why don't you let me do it, or anyone else? You're stuck here in your office everyday and then you get home and work even on weekends."
"I just have a lot of things on my mind right now so I find distractions in this papers, but honestly they are exhausting"
"Tell me about it. I've been dealing with Berlin renovations the whole week. They are constanly calling to ask what to do next as if we have never given them the whole plan"
"You know, now that the twins have finished Hogwarts, I was hoping that one of them would take over the American bussiness. I can't be here and there at the same time and I need someone who we'll make sure american hotels are doing well."
"Hmm, Angela and Brianna are very much alike so I don't think she is the best option. Lyria is great and maybe one day she could take over everything so you could finnaly rest, but you need her here. She is smart and knows foreign languages so she is great for our hotels here in Europe. Honestly, I think Cameron is your best choice"
"That's what I was thinking about, but he needs to get some experience. Ypur daughter still has a year at Hogwarts so I think I might be able to get him to study abroad in the States like I did for a year and then maybe finish there and work for me from there."
"I'll tell you something, but you didn't hear it from me. Pansy doesn't know so keep quiet."
Draco nodded.
"Amber has always wanted to see the States and study there. She told me that many times and I think if he's so tied to her, he might want to say there with her. I mean Tom and Lyria have been together for what now... five years and Cam has been dating my daughter for three years so if it plays out like I predict it will, everything is gonna be just fine". Blaise patted him on his shoulders.
"I hope it does because I'm getting tired of all this shit. Papers, renovations, finances, expanding... It's just to much for me to single handle it."
"That's why you have me and why you mads yourself six kids. I mean, how can you handle them? For me four was well enough. Ben's just finished his 2nd year, Amber will be on her last and the twins are gone. Tom's living alone and Angela is somewhere partying and living her life. I don't know how you got Lyria to stay with you guys and not to move out."
"It's all Hermione's doing. She asked Lyria to stay with us so she could help out with Bradley. I barely see Rosalie, because she is always with Potter's daughter. T.J. is making a mess. He is a handful and Brianna is making out with Potter. So I actually only have two kids-Cam and Lyria"
"Then I should ask Hermione how is she dealing with everything".
"I can tell you that", they heard an unknown voice from the doors.
"Sorry, I was just about to knock when I heard you talking about Hermione"
Draco immediately knew who that was. It was a man from the pictures.
"I know you. You are hanging out with my wife for quite some time now. May I ask you, what are you doing here in my office and who are you?"
The man looked at Blaise asking him to leave.
"Oh, it seems like family stuff. I better get out of here. Talk to you later, mate"
When Blaise left, there was a silence filling the room.
"So, who are you?" Draco asked. He was curious to know who that man was.
"Skylar. My name is Skylar Granger."
"Granger. That is my wife's maden  name, but she is an only child."
"That's what she thought too, but she is not. I'm her stepbrother."
"So, you are her brother."
"Stepbrother. But yes. I'm not her secret lover if that's what you thought."
Draco blushed. "Please, sit down. Tell me, how did you get to know each other?"
Skylar sat down and started talking:
"You see, our father was 25 years ago very drunk. Hermione was 13 and she was at home with her mother, while he was partying. That one night he met a witch, my mother, who he didn't know was a witch and after that one night I came to be. I didn't know my father and I never got to know my mother. I'm an orphan. When I tracked him down, I found out I have an older stepsister who is a witch. I didn't reconnect with my father, but with my sister I did. About a year ago we met for the first time and started meeting regurarly since then. You see, I found out she married you, I even met your daughter. I think Lyria was her name. But I hear I have more nieces nd nephewes than just one."
Draco listened carefully.
"I get the picture, but I still don't get it why she would lie to me about you."
"I asked her not to tell you, but she told me she had trouble at home because of me so I decided to come and see you. As you know I work at Azkaban and the part about us working on the case together is true. I'll tell you something she didn't tell you. The deatheaters that are behaving most strange are your aunt Bellatrix Lestrange and your former friends Crabbe and Goyle."
"But, I thought Molly Weasley had killed my aunt."
"Oh, no. It was just a cover-up. It seemed like she saw they would lose the war so she covered up her own death. We caught her 5 years ago in southern Wales, trying to reccrute some of the remaining deatheaters who weren't caught. Among them were those two who you once called friends. I thought you knew them better than your wife so I came to you. I need to hear some details about them that could help us get to the bottom of that mystery. So what do you think, my brother in law?"
"First of all, I'm not your brother in law. I'm your stepsister's husband and I would like you to call me by Mr.Malfoy. I'm still not sure about all this. I don't trust you enough for you to call me like we are family. I'm sorry, but you showed out of the blue in my life. I'll help you with your case, but all the information I'll share with my wife and than she will deside if she wants to tell you or not."
"Deal. It was great to finally meet you Mr.Malfoy. I'm already looking forward to the day you call me your family."

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