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Back at Hogwarts, yet another school year was close to an end. Brianna and Cameron had their final exams in a few weeks, so they and all the other sevenyears were just walking around with scripts in their hands. Cameron knew had to concentrate on his exams, but it seemed like Brianna didn't think like him. She was always somewhere around the castle, hiding or pranking someone with T.J. She didn't take this exams as serious as he did.
He was walking from the Great Hall towards Slytherin common room to take his script and repeat a little bit, but when he got to his dorm room, he couldn't find his script. He looked everywhere, under his bed, in his trunk, under his mate's bed. He even went to the Ravenclaw common room to see if he had left it in his girlfriend Amber's room. It wasn't there and it seemed like he wasn't the only seventhyear who lost his script. It seemed like every seventhyear had lost their script.
"Brianna...",Cameron mumbled. He tried to find her. She was on the quidditch pitch with her friends watching some Gryffindors practicing and laughing. What he didn't notice was James Potter riding his broom above her head and winking at his twin.
"Bri! Bri!", Cameron called her.
"What's up Cam? How can I help ypu today dear twin?"
"Where is my script? In fact where are everybody's scripts? You seem like the only one who doesn't care about this exams." Cameron yelled at her.
"Well, Cam. I'll let you know that I will learn when the time is right. We have still a week before exams. And I don't have your script."
"I don't know how you think to pass the exams, but if you aren't the prankster behind this mess, then there is only one other prankster left."
They looked at each other and said at the same time: "T.J."
Cameron went looking for his little brother. He wasn't in his room, he wasn't outside, he wasn't at the Great  Hall, so where could he be. He saw Albus Potter running and laughing. He knew his brother hung out with Slytherin Potter so he followed him. Albus led him to the hidden passageway in the whomping willow that led in the shrieking shack. There he saw his brother with his friends laughing and a big pile of papers. He saw his brother trying to put the scripts on fire.
"That's enough T.J. Give me those scripts back and I won't tell McGonagall."
T.J. looked at his older brother.
"How...how did you find us?"
"I followed him",Cameron pointed at Albus.
"Sorry",Albus said.
"Well T.J. what is it gonna be?"
T.J. mumbled something, but Cameron couldn't hear him.
"Fine, McGonagall it is."
"No, wait! Here take it and don't tell mum",T.J. said.
"Oh, I don't think it will be necessary. I'll tell her and I don't think she will be happy",they heard from the dark. They saw a man coming towards them. It was Aerius Flint. He was T.J's greatest competition in Slytherin.
"Aerius...I should've known you would follow us here only to see us fall",T.J. said to him.
Aerius just smirked and ran back to Hogwarts.
"Shit",T.J. said and ran after him, but Aerius was to fast. He got to the vice pricipal Weasley's office and told on them.
Vice principal Weasley was a pain in the ass. He always gave the worst punishments and he didn't know how to have fun. He suspended T.J. and his friends. T.J. was furious so he had to revenge himself before he goes home for the rest of the school year. He broke into his office and made a huge mess. There were papers on the floor, bookshelves were broken and his desk was painted green.
Vice principal had to call his parents, but only Draco could come.
"Oh, Percy. Nice to see you", Draco said to the vice principal sarcasticly.
"For you Malfoy I'm vice principal Weasley.", Pery said.
"Don't have to get all sassy with your title", Draco smirked. "So, why am I here?"
"Your son Taylor James took with his gang scripts from every seventhyear including your older son and daughter."
Draco laughed. A classic finals prank.
"It is not funny. I suspended him for the rest of the year".
"Wow, Percy. Isn't that too harsh? I mean the school year ends in what...three weeks and you had to send him home for a stupid prank?"
"Vice principal Weasley. And yes, but now I'm thinking of expelling him after what he had done to my office"
Draco looked around and saw his still green desk.
"I can only guess he didn't take it lightly"
"No it looked much worse, but I'll make sure he gets expelled."
"You don't have that much power here, do you? Only McGonagall can expell students and I'm sure Hermione will arrange something with her so he isn't expelled"
"Why are you so sure about that, Malfoy?"
"I just am. And now excuse me if he is suspended I better take him home", Draco left vice principal's office and went to find his little prankster.
As he was walking through the hallways he remembered his days here and how he was the one making pranks on Gryffindors all the time, especially Potter and Weasley. As he was walking he saw a girl with long curly brown hair in Slytherin ropes and a Gryffindor  boy kissing. When he walked by them he said: "Wow, easy there Gryffindor. She isn't lunch. You are hers." He laughed but then he noticed it was his own daughter kissing a Gryffindor.
"Brianna, what are you doing? Don't you have finals to study for."
She looked at him with fear in her eyes.
"D..d..dad.Why are you here?"
"T.J.'s suspended so I'm taking him home and who is your boyfriend here?"
She looked at him and kept quiet. He didn't understand why is she quiet, until he saw his face. It was practically the exact replica of the one man in his friends circle he liked the least.
"Potter?! Really Brianna?", his eyes lit up. She could se fire in his eyes. He was angry.
"Potter?!", Draco screamed at her.

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