A Not So Happy Reunion

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School year has started a month ago, so parents had most of their peace.
"Mum!", Rosalie yelled. "Bradley is crying again!", she yelled from downstairs.
It was Saturday so Hermione wanted to sleep in, but it was impossible with all this yelling. Draco went to help Blaise with something so she was alone with their two youngest kids. She didn't want to stand up. She was just laying in her bed thinking to herself: "why is it always me?". Bradley was crying so loud so she just put a longer t-shirt on and went downstairs. She found him on ge floor and Rosalie standing next to him trying to calm him down.
"Mum, I tried, but he want stop crying. I don't know what's going on," Rosalie was shaking because she was worried for her little brother.
"It's alright dear. Let me see", she came towards him and as soon as he opened his mouth to let another cry out, she realised what was the problem. His tooth was hurting because he chewed on something to hard. She waved er wand and the problem was solved.
"There. Now I'm going to bed before either of you comes up with some clever idea or starts yelling again."
"Mum, wait. Before you do that, an owl came earlier this morning with a letter from Hogwarts and one from Ginny", Rosalie said.
"Ah, let's see." First she opened the one from Hogwarts. It was from Lyria, her oldest daughter. She was informing her of a Welcome Back Party the twins Brianna and Cameron had thrown. She wanted to let her know that T.J. was making trouble again. When she was with her boyfriend Tom Zabini, little Slytherin pulled a prank on her making their lips stay glued to one another while they were kissing. Hermione just smilled at that prank. Her twelveyearold son was a prankster as his father was. Her Ravenclaw daughter wasn't happy with the prank so she wanted her mother to do something, but the prank was done. She just sent a letter to Lyria saying she can't do anything about it. She will talk to him at Christmas party, until than she should tell it to the hedmisteress McGonagall. She also wrote one part for the older twin Cameron as her other kids were Slytherins to watch out on them especially T.J. as he was the most troublesome, but he and his twin sister Brianna weren't much better. She wrote: Cameron Ross Malfoy, I'm serious. You ought to watch out on your brother and sister because I know you three troublemakers and if I hear again from Lyria that either one of you were making her last year at Hogwarts any harder than it already is, I will come there myself. Then she opened a letter from her best friend Ginny who was throwing a Reunion Party at the new Magix Club in the centre of wizarding London. It was today. Great. So much for notifing her on time. She hated when her best friend wasn't notifing her on time. She send an owl to Zabinis as her husband was already there telling them about party and that Draco better be there on time. She called her parents to watch on Rosalie and Bradley while they are on the pary.
That night she put on her green sparkling top and long black, but elegantly baggy pants and her best high heels on, did her make up and apparated in front of the club. As she walked in she saw her former classmates Luna and Neville. She greeted them and asked if they had seen Draco.
"Oh, I think he came in only 5 minutes before you with Blaise and Pansy. And if you're looking for Ginny and Harry they are over there at the DJ booth", Luna said.
Hermione hugged her and thanked her. She was going towards the DJ booth to greet her best friend as she bumped into someone. It was her ex Ron.
" Well, well Hermione. We haven't seen eachother in ages. How are you?"
"Well Ronald, I'm much better now when I have a loving husband who wouldn't dare to cheet on me and 6 lovely kids", she responded.
"You know, I missed you. Lavander is my wife now, but no one compares to you."
"If she doesn't compare to me, then why the hell did you vheet on me with her?!",she exclaimed.
"Jesus Hermione chill. Not everyone has to know about that. And she is here. I don't want her to know that I still have feelings for you", he tryed to explain.
"I don't feel the same for you. I'm very happy with Draco an I'm not even thinking about you so move on. You know what you did and now live with it",she said angryly and went on to find her husband. Who knows what Ron was able to do when Draco isn't with her.
Ron was angry. He expressed his feelings for her and she hurt him. How dares she do that?! He noticed she didn't drink anything so he had an idea. He hexed a drink and tried to apologise to her with a drink. She was looking at him. Is he really serious, but she was thirsty so she took it. Suddenly, she started feeling dizzy and she passed out. Someone screemed. It was Pansy, her other best friend. She yelled:"It must've been the drink. Someone hexed it!" Everyone surrounded her passed on the floor. Pansy yelled: "Blaise, get Draco! Hermione passed out!"
Blaise runned outside calling for him. Draco had to step outside for a quick phone call. He heard Blaise calling for him so he hung up. It must've been something important when he was disturbing him while working.
"What is it, buddy?"
"What's with my wife? Is she here? I haven't seen her yet."
"She passed out!"
As soon as he heard that he ran inside. He pushed the crowd aside and saw her pale and laying on the floor.
"What had happened to her?! Pansy! Answer me, please!", he was shaking. He was worried sick about her.
"Someone had fixed her drink and she passed out. It was Weasley. Im sure of it. They were arguing and he gave her the cup", Pansy answered.
Draco hasn't heard nything exept Weasley, argue and fixed drink. He yelled: "Weasley, you morron! Where are you hiding?! You can't hide from me! I'll find you and kill you!"
He found Ron drinking with Lavander. He didn't care. He punched him in his face.
"Ouch! What was that for?!"
"You fixed her drink! And now you're going to pay for it!"
They started punching one another. Fists were flying around. Everyone was watching two men fighting. While they were fighting Ginny and Pansy were trying to get Hermione on her feet again. They managed to find a charm that made her conscious again. She asked: "What's going on there?"
"Draco was furious when he heard what had happened to you. My stupid cheeting brother hexed your drink so while we were here trying to get you back up, he went there to handle it like a man-with his fists", Ginny said.
She tried to call his name out, but Pansy stopped her.
"I think it would be best that you save your strenght. After all ypu know how I like yelling. I'll fetch him."
Hermione gigled at her statment. Then she heard: "Dracoooooo! STOP IT! DRACOOO! She's up!"
When he heard that, he gave his last punch and ran ro where his wife was laying. He ran to her and hugged her. He knew Reunion was going to be crazy, but not this crazy.

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